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2 min read
Illawarra advocacy group campaigns for more midwives, better births

Sharon Settecasse is the co-founder of Better Births Illawarra, a community-based volunteer organisation aiming to improve access to better births across the Illawarra and Shoalhaven regions through midwifery-led care.

Better Births Illawarra was co-founded by Sharon Settecasse, Giselle Coromandel, and Alyssa Booth seven years ago. The motivation to start the advocacy group emerged as these women recognised a disturbing trend of high rates of intervention, including C-sections, inductions and episiotomies, in births at Wollongong Hospital. Sharon says there was a clear patten of birth trauma reflected in local statistics, with 1 in 3 women feeling traumatised post-birth. 

The founders also noted the remarkable differences in the birth experiences of those in the Midwifery Group Practice (MGP) at Wollongong Hospital.

Sharon says, "We were comparing birth stories and researching the disparities. We realised the need to raise awareness about making informed choices and opted to work as volunteers to advocate for maternal health."

Based on local research, Sharon highlights the superior outcomes of midwifery-led care. 

"Outcomes are better in the program right from the day a woman discovers she is pregnant," Sharon says.

The organisation's services include workshops, advocacy and awareness campaigns. However, increasing the number of midwives in the Midwifery Group Practice (MGP) at Wollongong is the main objective. 

"We currently have six MGP midwives and are working towards increasing the number to eight. However, to achieve our goals, we need to raise funds and allocate resources," Sharon says.

"Wollongong Hospital has the Midwifery Group Practice (MGP) where pregnant women are supported by a group of dedicated midwives throughout their journey. This continuity of care, having the same midwife rather than a stranger, instills a sense of safety and comfort in women."

Despite the success of the MGP, demand surpasses available midwives, which means 7 in 10 women are missing out on this personalised care.

Better Births Illawarra works closely with the hospital and local health district to ensure women's voices are heard in the decision-making process.

They also partner with experts like Fiona Reid, a local midwife, to conduct informative workshops. The organisation's ambition for the future is to expand MGP with more publicly funded midwives and to see fewer unnecessary interventions during childbirth.

Sharon's ultimate goal is for the community to be well-informed, empowered with choices and to recognise their right to say no.

Better Births Illawarra strives to create a positive impact on maternal health outcomes, not just physically but also mentally, leading to healthier mothers, babies and families.