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Tech savvy? Helensburgh Lions need your help with their website

By Fran Peppernell of Helensburgh Lions Club

We’re excited to dive into our 2025 activities, with the Annual Country Fair, Anzac Service at Stanwell Tops, Easter Events, Monthly Coles BBQs, and many more on the line-up.

We’re also seeking assistance with our webpage. If you’re a community-minded individual with skills in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, and can spare a bit of time for updates and admin tasks, we’d greatly appreciate your help. Please email at info.helensburghlions@gmail.com.

Sunday, March 2 is Lions Awareness Day and our Helensburgh Lions will be at Bunnings Bellambi, cooking up a feast.

With over 25,000 members, Lions Australia is the country’s largest service organisation. We hope you’ll join us, chat with a Lion, and learn why they choose to dedicate their time and effort to helping others.

On March 22, Helensburgh Lions are supporting a fundraising night for a local resident with MND. “Warwick’s Boot Scootin Fundraising Bonanza” at Tradies Helensburgh promises to be a fantastic night with a country theme, so be sure to get your tickets!