© 2025 The Illawarra Flame
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Golfing in November: Mighty Down Towners v Up Towners

Helensburgh Sunday Social Golf Club

Robert ‘Indy’ Jones reports

Boomerang Golf Course on October 6th where the weather was fine and HSSGC members played stableford and, to confuse the masses, Irish 4 Ball.

The day witnessed four groups striving for the Irish prize and host of newcomers including Alex, Jack, Brett, the returning Craig, along with quite a number of new handicappers and regulars.

Driving and putting to reach the BBQ and drinks at the 19th and, despite what were called cored greens, I personally never saw an apple for 18 holes. Without further delay, the Irish 4 Ball went to an illustrious gang of four – Ben Clarke, Ben Gersback, Scott Gersback and Chris Pike – with a combined total of 42 points, runners-up scoring 40, 38 and 30 points respectively.

Stableford results saw Chris Pike finish top with 43 points followed by three lucky losers – Scott Gersback, Ryan “the Son of Hollywood” Carter and Tony Gersback – all on 40 points. On course the spoils were shared by Tony G., Craig N., Peter G., Scott G (known as “Hank”?… please help me), Chuckie, and Frank M.

Next events: November 3rd TT – 08:20am, and December 8th – TT 09:00am, rounds off 2024. Thanks to the BBQ guys on the day, and our sponsors Christian’s Premium Meats and the Helensburgh Golf Range.

Contact Tony, 0418 863 100, for all membership info and remember to register your attendance and cart requirements on the Tuesday ahead of the date of our next event. Join us to enjoy a game of golf, the great outdoors and good company. Details of our end-of-year extravaganza to come.

Indy signing off … Remember; nothing goes down slower than a golf handicap.

Tradies Social Golf

Barry Thompson reports

Boomerang was slightly wet underfoot due to the previous night’s storm, but conditions were good enough to allow some impressive scoring across the Stableford event.

Gavin Sinclair won the Helensburgh Butchery prize with 43 points off a 19 handicap. Mick Carroll took the Gallardo’s Pizzeria voucher with 41 off 27.

Craig Murphy took third place with 40 off 27. Jerry Riley collected the Helensburgh Driving Range Bucket of Balls prize, although perhaps it should have gone to Gary Overton who finished cold, motherless last to take the Bradman.

Ian Birss declined to accept a forfeit against Dave Tipping in the grand final of the Match-Play Championship. Dave went down with Covid, so the engravers are on standby for the result when the cup is contested during our next tournament.

Our next festival of swing, the third round of the Club Championship, is on Sat, 2nd November.

On Sat, 16th November, the mighty Down Towners oppose the Up Towners to return the Cup to its rightful position. Your fearless correspondent will give an unbiased account of the event.

Saturday, 14th of December is our Loud Shirt Charity event. There is a buzz of excitement due to rumours that Terry Maney’s Birdy King may return to set the pace for this prestigious event.

These three events will all be held at Boomerang with 7am tee-offs – please arrive early.

The fruits of our labours will be distributed at our Presentation Night on Saturday, 7th December at Tradies. Names required by next round.

Hope to see you there.