© 2025 The Illawarra Flame
2 min read
Coal Coast Surfing Mums Group stoked to share fun, friendship and child care

The Coal Coast Surfing Mums Group is riding a wave of community connection and self-care. It’s also a great solution for families who are feeling the pinch of the rising cost of living.

“The beach and fresh air is free!” said the group’s leader, Desiree, winner of coordinator of the year, a peer-nominated award from Surfing Mums Australia.

“Rather than catching up for coffees or taking kids to a play centre, it's win-win for parents who get a social catch-up and kids who get a playdate.”

Surfing has long been a beloved Australian pastime but over the past five years it has boomed. According to Australian Sports Commission data released in April 2023, there were more than 167,000 women surfers nationally. 

As more women take to the waves, the Coal Coast Surfing Mums Group continues to create a supportive and inclusive environment for those seeking the calming embrace of the ocean while forging lifelong friendships and support networks along the way.

It’s a diverse group comprising women and men of various skill levels, from seasoned surfers to those just dipping their toes in the water.

"We get inquiries all the time, from experienced surfers to those who simply enjoy swimming,” Desiree said.

The group welcomes mothers and fathers with children of all ages, from babies to school-going kids during the holidays. The gatherings serve as an opportunity for downtime and self-care for the parents, while the children happily play together, closely supervised by the other members in the group.

"During the swaps in care, we make sure there are enough adults per child, so everyone can enjoy a nice catch-up while the kids have fun," Desiree said.

Coal Coast Surfing Mums Group not only provides a space for members to connect with the ocean but also acts as a crucial support system for those who are raising kids locally without any additional family support.

"We don't always have family nearby to help," Desiree said. "That's why having a supportive community like this is invaluable."

Desiree aims to broaden social catch-ups beyond surfing, with plans to start "dinner and drinks" and even weekend getaways to foster stronger bonds among the members.

To become a member, reach out to the group via Facebook.

Read more: The Coal Coast Surfing Mums group featured on the cover of the Illawarra Flame's launch issue in January 2022, when the 2508 and 2515 postcode magazines merged to become one