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2 min read
Bushwalk: Helensburgh Ridgetop Walk

By Geoff Whale, author of Northern Illawarra Beachwalks

  • DISTANCE 6 km or 8 km, 50m climb.
  • DIFFICULTY Easy, but many track junctions.
  • SUMMARY Mostly flat family walk through casuarina/banksia/gymea-lily forests. Best in dry weather in the warmer months.
  • HAZARDS Unfenced lookouts, bikes.
  • TRANSPORT Helensburgh station, or park near the station or on Halls Road.

The track next to the station overpass is rough, steep and rocky; alternative, easier entry points are marked on the map. On reaching the fire trail junction [1], turn north-east. 150m later take the footpad on the right, just past a power pole (or just before).
Pass several track junctions, continuing straight each time. Step across two small creeks, possibly dry. After descending slightly for 200m you’ll notice a high fence [2]. It marks the northern end of the Helensburgh Rail Tunnel. Views of the rail tracks are from the far end, take special care if you decide to go around the fence for a better look.
The next section climbs up to the ridge. Take the right fork after 60m, onto an eroded management track (left is the return leg). Turn left onto a flat part, then curve steeply to the right. The minor track that crosses at [3] is also on the return journey. Walk B option: left here, pass [9] then right and up.
At the top of the ridge turn left onto the Hacking River Fire Trail (HRFT). It’s wide and level. After 460m, where the trail bends left and descends, instead take the right footpad [4], then the left fork soon after.
At [5], you’ve come 2.4 km. Decide whether to follow the lower track (Walk B, blue) or the shorter upper track (Walk A). The junction is a bit confusing, but for A just keep right.
Walk A: continue level, ignoring side tracks. You’ll have to negotiate a huge tree fallen across the track; climb through, or go left and under the trunk. 300m later you reach a clearing [6] at the rail management track. If you like you can walk 400m down to the tunnel portal, though it’s scrubby at the end. In any event continue through the clearing and pick up the footpad on the western side. This leads to a grassy fire trail [7] and then the HRFT (3.5 km walked). Turn right.
In 200m look for a path on the left [8] that descends gradually. Cross the original route at [3], don’t miss the left turn [9] after 180m, rejoin the main path and retrace to the start.
Walk B: veer left at the fork at [5], then turn left again. Continue right and downhill at the next junction (100m), ignore a couple of side tracks and the more substantial one that drops steeply to the HRFT. That’s one of the routes to the Royal NP. Further on there’s a flat rock opposite a large angophora (smoothed barked apple). It overlooks a lovely area of open forest.
Continue along the lower track until you reach the rail management track, divert to the tunnel if you like, then pick up a 4wd track left. Go left also at the next junction near [7] and join the HRFT, where the walks merge.