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2 min read
4 ideas for kids on a rainy day

With La Niña looking like she’ll be hanging around, a little black book of rainy-day activities is useful for any parent.

When we locked down for the first time with Covid, I went online ASAP and bought all the arts and crafts materials I could. I think we all did, because the majority of it was sold out. The box came and the kids were so excited to open the package. And then the coloured paddle pop sticks sat there. The pompoms and glue were never opened. I am not that mum. You know the mums who can whip out an arts and crafts session like they’re on Play School? Well, I found out quickly that’s not me.

So, here are my top tips for activities on a rainy day.

1. Betty Crocker is your friend

I absolutely love to cook but I can’t bake. Attention to detail and exact measurements are not my thing. I’m more of a make-it-up-as-you-go kind of cook. But, Betty Crocker has your back. The kids love getting involved, hands dirty and chocolate all over their faces. So little effort for so many smiles.

2. The Floor is Lava

Have you seen Netflix’s latest show? It’s exactly what it sounds like and taps into the childhood memories of jumping from couch to couch to avoid the floor (lava). Before you roll your eyes, I promise that watching this show has inspired so much physical activity in my kids. Every cushion, table and mat is now an obstacle course inside and outside my house.

3. Event Junior

This is the best idea ever invented. A playground in the movies! There is one at Shellharbour. If the movie is a dud, the kids just run around the playground. It’s a must-see!

4. Bowling

I was hesitant to take my kids as I thought they might be a little young but they loved it. The one-year-old just slid around the floor but the two- and four-year-old got really competitive. My local is Northern Bowl in Bellambi. We just played one game and then went into its indoor playground, Sharkys Play. It was rather busy, so make sure you book ahead.