Trying to balance screen time with green time is every parent’s biggest guilt. Here are some tried and tested short bush walks, best for kiddies. Short enough, easy enough and engaging enough so you shouldn’t have to carry anyone, other than those that can’t walk yet.
1. Bald Hill to Otford Pantry
You’ll find a well-trodden path behind the kiosk and bathrooms at the top of Bald Hill. Walk through long grass, jump over tree stumps, climb big rocks, and swing around trees, all following the coastline. You’ll pop out next to Lady Wakehurst Drive, which will take you right to the Otford Pantry. The pies are scrumptious and be sure to grab a pastry too.
2. Stanwell Park egg hunt
Behind the Stanwell Park kiosk, you’ll see a track heading up to Stanwell Avenue. Hidden behind the fence of trees, you’ll find a magical path lined with giant bird’s nests filled with porcelain eggs, painted by local artists. You can learn more about the Banksia Bush Care initiative here. It is certainly worth the visit. The kids have no idea they are running up a hill.
3. Forest Path, Royal National Park
This is an easy walk, fantastic for kids. It follows a wide driveway-like path with various routes jutting out. We’ve followed fallen mossy trees, small rivers in the depths of the rainforest and jumped in puddles as big as pools.
Visit the National Parks website for more information.