© 2025 The Illawarra Flame
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Tree of the Month: Sloanea australis (aka Maiden’s Blush)

Sloanea australis (Maiden’s Blush) is a rainforest tree extending throughout the Wollongong area, including Stanwell Park. It is more commonly found along the watercourses of the escarpment.

It can grow to about 15 metres. It has large dark green elliptical leaves and white flowers emanating from the forks of the leaves. Its fruit is a light brown woody capsule that contains red and black seeds.

The new leaves are often reddish, and the heartwood is a blushing pink, hence the common name.

One has been planted in the Stanwell Avenue Reserve.

Banksia Bush Care News

As explained last month, we received a grant from Sutherland Shire Environment Centre to continue our work in protecting our rare littoral rainforest from deer.

Most of the Acacia binervata in the circle of the Stanwell Avenue Reserve have died, leaving significant openings in the canopy. The result has been the natural regeneration of native rainforest species like Cheese Trees (Glochidion ferdinandi), Sandpaper Figs (Ficus coronata), Red Ash (Alphitonia excelsa) and Celery Wood (Polyscias elegans) all of which are eaten by deer.

Our plan is to cage as many of these trees as we can with star pickets and hinge mesh wire bought with the grant money.