Here are the top 3 spots for birdwatching in the Illawarra chosen by Ralph Stadus, president of the Illawarra Birders:
1. Integral Energy Park, Dapto
“Number one, it’s quite a pleasant walk. The Kembla Joggers have a clubhouse there, so they’ve got a five-kilometre, cross-country, grassy track marked out. It’s also got a lovely patch of very mature paperbarks and some tall forest. So it’s got quite a good diversity of habitat even in this one parkland. It’s also got nice picnic areas and nice amenities. In a good walk you’ll see 30 to 35 species of birds.”
2. Jerrara Dam
“It’s a really fabulous place. It’s a lovely quiet spot to walk and the diversity is really good. I went there the other morning and got 39 species.”
3. Barren Grounds
"I personally like Barren Grounds. It’s not everyone’s favourite as it can be a bit hit and miss, but I love the heat up there. You can see some different birds, which is what I like about it. It’s set aside as a nature reserve because it’s a good place for Eastern Bristlebirds and a good place to hear the Ground Parrots."
Do you agree with Ralph? Share the love and send in your own top 3 spots for birding