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3 min read
Sniff out a Fragrant Fern near you

Illawarra is home to dozens of ferns, as attested by the new book by local botanist Kevin Mills, South Coast Ferns. They come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny filmy-ferns to tree ferns 20 metres tall or more. I love seeing each and every one of them when I'm out and about.

But one local fern which doesn't get nearly enough press, but is absolutely gorgeous, is the Fragrant Fern (Dendroconche scandens, though it's had a name change recently; it was previously called Microsorum scandens, and web searches for the species might be more fruitful if you use the older name).

Fragrant Fern is actually a fairly common fern of local rainforests, where it can be seen growing on rocks (this is called being 'lithophytic') or tree trunks (and this is called being 'epiphytic'). And it can get to quite a size, covering a few square metres in optimal conditions. 

This absolute beauty of a lithophytic (growing on rock) Fragrant Fern (Dendroconche scandens) is easily seen along the Staffords Farm Track on the south of Mount Kembla (Djembla). It's in an area that gets a lot of shade and shelter from the mountain, and the fern's growth is luxuriant. The newer fronds are a particularly bright green. Image by Emma Rooksby.
This absolute beauty of a lithophytic (growing on rock) Fragrant Fern (Dendroconche scandens) is easily seen along the Staffords Farm Track on the south of Mount Kembla (Djembla). It's in an area that gets a lot of shade and shelter from the mountain, and the fern's growth is luxuriant. The newer fronds are a particularly bright green. Photo: Emma Rooksby. 

Fragrant Fern occurs in all kinds of local rainforest, but particularly the rainforests of the escarpment, such as Mount Kembla, Mount Keira, Brokers Nose and Minnamurra Rainforest. It has also been recorded in littoral rainforest in places such as the headland just north of Gerroa. From what I've seen of this species, it doesn't have much of a preference between growing on rocks or on tree trunks, unlike some other ferns (and orchids) that have a noticeable preference for one or the other. 

Spotted on the same day as the specimen pictured above, this Fragrant Fern (Dendroconche) scandens is growing happily on a tree trunk. It does not show a distinctive preference for either rocks or trees, though has more room to spread out on large rocks and often looks at its best in these situations. Image by Emma Rooksby.
Spotted on the same day as the specimen pictured above, this Fragrant Fern (Dendroconche scandens) is growing happily on a tree trunk. It does not show a distinctive preference for either rocks or trees, though has more room to spread out on large rocks and often looks at its best in these situations. Photo: Emma Rooksby.   

If you're out and about fern-spotting, keep an eye out for Fragrant Fern. Minnamurra Rainforest is probably the easiest place to see it, and you'll have the benefit of access to National Parks and Wildlife Service to give you a steer. Do be aware, though, that it's not the only climbing fern in town. Illawarra also hosts the Climbing Fishbone Fern (Arthropteris tenella), which has a similar form and habit (as well as a couple of its near relatives that are much less common). The main distinguishing feature is the shape of the frond. Fragrant Fern fronds are simple (not made up of separate pinnae or leaflets), while Climbing Fishbone Fern's fronds are pinnate (that is, they're made up of multiple smaller pinnae each about 3-10cm long), giving them a lacier, finer appearance. 

Another feature of Fragrant Fern can be guessed from its common name, and that is that crushed fresh fronds have a musky scent. I've not dared crush a frond in the bush as all native ferns are protected species. But if I find one in cultivation I'll be crushing and sniffing it for sure.  

This Fragrant Fern is colonising a large Hawkesbury sandstone boulder that's fallen down from the cliffs above and landed on a flat area of the escarpment in Coledale. Image by Emma Rooksby.
This Fragrant Fern is colonising a large Hawkesbury sandstone boulder that's fallen down from the cliffs above and landed on a flat area of the escarpment in Coledale. It still has some way to go. Photo: Emma Rooksby.