© 2025 The Illawarra Flame
1 min read
‘Clerodendrum tomentosum’ aka Downy Chance Tree

Native Clerodendrum (Clerodendrum tomentosum) occurs right throughout the Illawarra region, from hind dunes to rainforest.

It is sometimes a medium-size tree reaching eight metres, but more often a small shrub. Its flowers are white and in massed bunches. It occurs most commonly as an understorey plant in wet sclerophyll forest and on the edges of rainforest.

Its leaves are opposite, and the fruit is black and surrounded by bright red when mature. The tree is likely to be destroyed by deer and needs to be caged or protected within a deer fence when regenerating naturally or planted.

Banksia Bush Care News

Deer damage is still a major problem with a mature Bleeding Heart (Homalanthus populifolius) within the site being totally ringbarked, despite its trunk being protected by sticks bound to it with cable ties. It seems that this cheaper solution is only a short term one, because the deer have learned to break the sticks. Flower or chicken wire around the trunk of a mature tree is the only solution.

The ABC’s Gardening Australia contacted us recently with a view to doing a segment for its program on the Banksia Bush Care site with its Art in the Park.

Filming took the whole day, and it is likely to be shown in a couple of months.