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3 min read
Botanist’s new book ‘South Coast Ferns’ demystifies local plants

By Emma Rooksby, coordinator of Growing Illawarra Natives

If you've ever wandered through the Illawarra's amazing rainforests, you'll have seen the diversity of native ferns. They come in all shapes and sizes, from the massive Bird's Nest Ferns (Asplenium australasicum) and Elkhorn Fern (Platycercum bifurcatum) down to the delicate low Necklace Fern (Asplenium flabellifolium) and the tiny, moisture-loving Filmy Ferns (Hymenophyllum species).

But identifying ferns can be really tricky, and it's an area where expert guidance is essential. Until now, there has been no dedicated guide to ferns of the region. 

That has now changed, with the launch of a new book, South Coast Ferns, by Dr Kevin Mills, a local ecologist and botanist who spent some 10 years doing fieldwork to inform this comprehensive publication.

I was lucky enough to be at the September 27 launch, with several dozen people, many local plant experts and the highest number of National Parks and Wildlife Service staff I've ever seen in the one spot!  

I think this was the literal moment of the launch, with Kevin Mills telling the audience about some of the most interesting fern records he'd found while researching the book. One species (Crepidomanes vitiense – look it up!) was recorded 700km further south than its main distribution!

The book is excellent. It covers 136 fern species, including native/indigenous ferns and also several species that have naturalised in the area. It's compact and easy to use, you can just slip it in your bag or pack when going on a walk. It includes a handy guide to fern terminology and an accessible glossary – hurrah!

And the photographs are high quality and for most species show the plant 'in the round' plus a shot of the sori, which are important for identifying ferns to genus or even species level.

Nothing is better on a bush walk than having an expert at your shoulder to confirm or deny your suggested ID, or to point out species you'd completely overlooked. But a strong second best option is to take South Coast Ferns with you on a wander and use it to enjoy the local ferns and build your own competence and confidence in fern ID. 

The cover of South Coast Ferns.

There are several local book shops that stock this new book and you can also find it at the Minnamurra Rainforest Centre.

Incidentally perhaps, the Minnamurra Rainforest has a particularly high diversity of native ferns. In his speech at the launch of the book, Kevin Mills pointed out that 96 species – 51% of the total number of ferns of New South Wales – are present at Minnamurra Rainforest. Even on the short walk to the visitor centre where the book was launched 23 species (18%) of the regional total can be seen. 

If that doesn't whet your appetite, I don't know what will. Perhaps some more guided fern walks are in order? Send your thoughts and feedback please!

One of the smallest and sweetest of the local ferns, Necklace Fern (Asplenium flabellifolium) growing on rainforest slope in Mount Pleasant. Photo: Emma Rooksby. 

Heading to Minnamurra this school holiday? Explore the family-friendly Lyrebird Loop