© 2025 The Illawarra Flame
1 min read
Bird of the Month: Crimson Rosella

The bird of the month is the Crimson Rosella (Platycercus elegans), a colourful member of the parrot family found throughout south-eastern Australia.

In the Illawarra, they favour woodland and forested areas dominated by eucalyptus trees but will frequently venture into suburban backyards or roadsides to feed on native grass seeds and berries. Their melodic, bell-like calls are quite peaceful amongst the forest. Unlike their more outgoing relatives, such as the lorikeets and cockatoos, Crimson Rosellas tend to be shyer and more reserved.

I photographed this individual along the escarpment track near Maddens Plains, an excellent spot to observe both local rosella species – the Crimson and Eastern Rosellas. During spring and summer, these birds can often be seen scouting for nesting sites in the hollows of old trees. I was lucky to spot a pair doing just this; one bird perched watchfully as its partner explored potential hollows.