© 2024 The Illawarra Flame
4 min read
Rachel Lee: Why I started the Colours of Motherhood project

Rachel Lee's Colours of Motherhood is a three-part project comprising a photography exhibition, a magazine and a series of community events from October 20-25. 

For the past eight years, Rachel has run her own business, Scribbly Gum Photography. Inspired by this experience, her exhibition will present photos of 14 diverse mums, who have each shared a story about a challenge they have faced. The magazine will give depth and context to Rachel's images, with $1 from every sale donated to the Nurtured Village, a charity supporting mums in early parenthood.

Thanks to Rachel for sharing the story behind Colours of Motherhood.

When my eldest was born eight years ago, I felt so alone. Everything had changed, I didn’t know how to navigate it or if it was even normal to be feeling so lost.

Fast forward to last year and two more kids, I experienced another really tough year with health issues, behavioural challenges from one of my kids and significant diet and sleep challenges with another. It was the perfect storm, but this time, I knew to trust myself and I knew where to look for help with these different challenges. It was still hard, and I was so overwhelmed with it all.

The Colours of Motherhood events are the events that I needed as a mum, both eight years ago and last year. They have been inspired by the stories the 13 other mums have contributed to the project, as well as my own challenges.

Now, as a photographer, I’m working with families to capture their moments of love, connection and joy. This is such a beautiful part of motherhood, the love that we have and receive from our kids. It’s not all of it though, and I hear from these mums that they feel overwhelmed, that they feel like they are failing and that they must be doing something ‘wrong’.

I want to change the motherhood narrative to include talking about the hard stuff, alongside the wonderful moments.

One thing I have learnt in my motherhood journey so far is the power of connecting with other mums, hearing their stories and having real conversations about the challenges we face.

My background of working in exercise rehabilitation has equipped me for navigating these hard conversations and navigating access to health services – skills that I want to contribute to the community by connecting local experts with mums and facilitating these events.

My highlight so far has been the community response to this project.

We have the mums vulnerably sharing their stories, and bravely facing the camera for the photos. There’s the local experts and presenters who are also busy mums themselves, they have all given their full support, time and expertise to come and support others. We have mums coming along to the events, who have been supporting and sharing the project with their friends and families.

Colours of Motherhood is designed for the community and our Illawarra mums are answering the call.

What I’ve learnt so far, is the power of sharing our stories. Even though our stories may be different, from same sex mums navigating questions, to raising twins, postnatal depression and more – underneath that we I have found similar beliefs about feeling overwhelmed, worthwhile, that we are not ‘enough’. It’s so easy to compare ourselves, and feel less than, especially online where everything looks perfect all the time.

When we share our stories, and we talk about the hard we can feel connected again. We can feel heard and seen as an individual, a so much more than an overwhelmed snack dispenser for the kids.

My hope is to show you that you are not alone.

Colours of Motherhood is on from October 20-25. Events include the exhibition launch, a breastfeeding group, mother’s group for Under 1s, a birth trauma info session, a women's sharing circle and working mums wine and cheese. Topics for discussion include: challenging behaviours & neurodivergence in children; boundaries, self care and identity in motherhood; sibling rivalry & peer conflict; navigating discipline; and pelvic floor health. Tickets are available via the Scribbly Gum Photography website

About the photographer

Rachel Lee is a mum of three zestful boys. While being their mum brings her so much fulfilment, she also find it incredibly overwhelming. Rachel is a creative photographer and experienced business owner. The first image created for the project was an image she created of her own experience of overwhelm; it was awarded second place in 2023 at the prestigious Icon International Photography Awards. Read more here.