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1 min read
Have your say on Sandon Point Seniors Living Development by Anglicare

Throughout 2023, there have been a number of consultations about the Sandon Point Seniors Living Development, including drop-in sessions and the more recent information sessions. Aside from this, Anglicare and their consultants, Stantec, have met with other stakeholders, such as TfNSW – Roads and Maritime Services and RailCorp; Rural Fire Service (Development Assessment Team); all key utility authorities; Indigenous groups; Wollongong City Council; Federal MP Alison Byrnes and local MPs Ryan Park and Maryanne Stuart.

Throughout they have gathered a lot of opinions and information, all of which has helped in the development of the current Concept Plan, which is now on exhibition. You can view this at the NSW Department of Planning Portal and make an online submission.

The Concept Plan will be on exhibition from 14 December to 19 January 2024.

At the last TVC meeting, held on Sunday, November 26, there was discussion about the bridge and link road, and members were advised that Stantec is currently looking into available grant opportunities that potentially could be accessed for Anglicare, particularly in the disaster resilience and infrastructure space.

If approved, this could mean that the bridge and link road can be delivered independently of the development by Anglicare, and hopefully early in the project.