Thirroul Village Committee’s November update

By Thirroul Village Committee’s secretary, Annette Jones

The TVC was established in 1991 by a group of concerned local residents. The first meeting was called by Don Gray OAM, a long-time resident, who was concerned that the “Town was looking rather tatty”.  TVC members take pride in Thirroul, with a number working to keep the village tidy and to beautify it. This involves members working on garden maintenance and graffiti removal.  See below the reports on these two important areas, plus updates on Wilkies Walk in McCauley’s Estate and the proposed offshore wind farm.   

Garden news

The garden committee works with Wollongong City Council to help maintain gardens throughout Thirroul, including Grannie’s Garden across from the Community Centre. These garden beds have deteriorated since the drought, followed by Covid and then the rain years, and it is now difficult for volunteers to get them back into a respectable condition without assistance from Council. Council is looking to develop a new landscaping strategy using more resilient plants, which should improve the look of the garden.

Jackson Park is now tidy and mown regularly.  The undergrowth and dead plants have been removed from the beds around the seats, which makes it a more peasant park to visit.

The garden committee recently received offers of help which is much appreciated. If anyone would like to assist in maintaining the gardens around Thirroul, please email the TVC at

Graffiti removal

Wollongong City Council revised the Graffiti Management Council Policy on 28 August 2023 expanding the length of time to remove racist, defamatory, offensive graffiti on Council assets and/or prominent sites or sites of significance from ‘within 1 working day’ to ‘within 2 working days from when it is reported, where possible’. At times graffiti may be placed in hard to access areas, hence the ‘where possible’ qualification as more time may be needed to remove it.

Over recent months graffiti attacks have increased around Thirroul and Thomas Gibson Park. If residents see graffiti, please report it to council (details below). Thanks is extended to those TVC members who continue to volunteer to clean or overpaint the graffiti.

Report graffiti crime to:

a.   Call the Police on 131 444 to report graffiti attacks.  Call 000 if you see graffiti crime in progress.

b.   Contact WCC via:

Wilkies Walk

The draft Planning Agreement relating to Wilkies Walk is currently on exhibition for public comment until 5 November 2023.

The draft agreement and accompanying documents can be viewed at:

  • Wollongong and Thirroul branch libraries during business hours;
  • Council’s Customer Service Centre, Ground Floor Administration Building, 41 Burelli Street Wollongong, between 9am and 5pm weekdays;
  • On Council’s website:

Extension of consultation period for proposed Offshore Wind Farm

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has extended the consultation period for the proposed offshore wind farm in Commonwealth waters off the Illawarra region from Wombarra in the north to Kiama in the south.

You are now able to provide feedback on the proposal through the ‘Have your Say’ portal - by 15 November 2023.

The next TVC meeting is on Sunday, 26th November at 4pm at TRIPS Hall, Railway Parade Thirroul.

You can email the TVC at:

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