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2 min read
Thirroul Village Committee Report for May

Thirroul Plaza

Thirroul Plaza Developments Pty Ltd has appointed a development manager, Solid Void, to formulate a new development vision and Master Plan for the Thirroul Village Plaza site in the centre of Thirroul. To assist with this Solid Void has appointed a consultancy firm, Urban Concepts, to help them with the project.

Urban Concepts has a range of initiatives called UrbanTalk to keep residents and businesses informed. This includes the UrbanTalk Project Listing, which acts as an online community information hub for the project.

An extensive community consultation process with residents, businesses, and interested stakeholders will extend over the next 12 months. The consultation process has started with the ‘Big Ideas Community Survey’.

Please use this link to access the survey as well as information about the survey. To start the survey head to the end of the initial page and click on ‘Take the Survey’. It takes around 15 minutes to complete and will run until Monday, 27th May. The TVC encourages the community to get involved and have their say on this important development.

Should you have issues with accessing the survey online, contact UrbanTalk on 1800 828 255 and they will post a copy of the survey and a reply-paid envelope to you.

We invite residents to take time to participate in this survey. The findings from the ‘Big Ideas Community Survey’ will provide insights into the community’s ideas for redeveloping the Plaza site.

McCauley Lodge

The TVC has been advised that the conciliation conference between Wollongong City Council and Fresh Hope Care has been adjourned to allow the parties time to continue without prejudice discussions. The parties are currently scheduled to meet again on 22nd April, although an extension till 29th April has been requested. It is anticipated that a decision, one way or the other, should be reached by the end of the month.

Wilkies Walk

People heading to McCauley Beach, via McCauley Estate would have noticed work has commenced on the land behind Panmills Drive. This work involves land clearing, building of retaining walls and installation of services. According to the developer it is anticipated this work should be completed by early November 2024.

In addition, work on the relocation of Wilkies Walk should be completed by the end of June 2024.

Visit the TVC stall at Thirroul Beach on Sunday, June 2 at the Seaside and Arts Festival

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