© 2025 The Illawarra Flame
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Thirroul Village Committee looks back on 2024

Welcome to new Ward One Councillors

In September 2024 local Council elections were held. This resulted in the election of three new Ward One Councillors. The TVC would like to welcome Cr Dan Hayes (Labor), Cr Ryan Morris (Independent) and Cr Jess Whittaker (Greens). Cr Richard Martin (Labor) was re-elected and the TVC would like to acknowledge his active participation over the previous years. All Councillors are invited to attend our quarterly meetings. In addition, the TVC would like to acknowledge the continued participation by the local member for Heathcote, Maryanne Stuart. We are extremely thankful for her advice and involvement in local matters.

There were a number of issues in 2024 that kept members busy:

McCauley Lodge redevelopment

The Land and Environment Court recently held a hearing about the Development Applications (DAs) submitted by Fresh Hope Care about the redevelopment of the sites previously known as McCauley Lodge and Tasman Court located in Tasman Parade, Thirroul. This commenced with an on-site hearing on 23rd October, and was followed by 2 days of deliberations in the Sydney Land and Environment Court. Around 50 neighbours and residents of Thirroul attended the on-site hearing, with 10 making presentations to the Commissioner about issues of concern such as the impact of stormwater runoff, overshadowing, privacy, parking and traffic, to name but a few.

The TVC has been advised that the hearing has been adjourned until 16 December 2024 to enable the applicant to provide further material to the Court and for the parties to provide draft conditions of consent to the Court.

Sandon Point Seniors Living Development

Anglicare has advised that environmental and social studies required by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI), as part of its Environmental Impact Assessment, continue to be undertaken. This follows the submission to the DPHI in late 2023, known as ‘Modification 6’.

With this process ongoing, the State Significant Development (SSD) application is now scheduled for submission in 2025.

Thirroul Plaza

Key findings from the Big Ideas Survey held earlier this year about the redevelopment of Thirroul Plaza included that Thirroul town centre is a loved and important regional centre; the plaza is in need of an upgrade; Thirroul is seen as a relaxing coastal town; the plaza could become the heart of Thirroul centre; a community-oriented space is a much desired benefit of the project; the primary design consideration is the maintenance of the Illawarra escarpment view; there is limited community support for residential development of the site, although it is a permissible use. In addition, there were a couple of big ideas suggested by respondents for redevelopment of the site including having alternative vehicular access arrangements via Raymond Road and a land swap with Wollongong City Council (WCC) to incorporate WF Jackson Park into the site in return for a dedicated community plaza in the middle of the development site. Discussions have taken place with WCC about these ideas.

All of this information has been collated and will form part of a brief to be presented to a town planner, urban designer, landscape architect and demographer and will contribute to the design of a new plaza. In the meantime, the owners want to spruce up the current plaza so it is more attractive to visit. This includes fixing up the potholes in the carpark and installing a return and earn point.

Formal results of the survey will be published in the next couple of weeks and will be available on the Solidvoid and Urban Talk websites. This is just the start of a long process. It is anticipated that a workshop will be held in the first quarter of 2025. For more information including the survey result please use the following link.

Update on Lot 101 Amy Street Thirroul

In April 2023 the Land and Environment Court approved a DA to subdivide Lot 101 Amy Street, Thirroul into three Torrens Title lots (Lots 301, 302 and 303) and for access works to land behind Panmills Drive in McCauley Estate, which included the relocation of a portion of the public walkway known as Wilkies Walk. Regular walkers and cyclists would have noticed that work is underway on this DA and that work has been completed on relocation of part of the shared pathway known as Wilkies Walk at the corner of Wilkies Way and Panmills Drive, Thirroul.

Maintenance around the village by TVC members

The TVC continues to work on beautification of the local area by maintenance of public gardens and graffiti removal. If anyone would like to help in these endeavours, please email the TVC at thirroulvillagecommittee@gmail.com.

From 2025 the TVC will meet 4 times a year. The first TVC meeting for 2025 will be held at 4pm on Sunday 23rd February 2025 at TRIPS Hall, Railway Parade Thirroul. You can email the TVC at: thirroulvillagecommittee@gmail.com.

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