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The TVC looks back at 2023

Although not as hectic as 2022, this year has certainly had a number of controversial issues keeping members busy.

McCauley Lodge

Two development applications (DAs) were submitted by Fresh Hope Care to redevelop their aged care facility known as McCauley Lodge at 8-10 Tasman Parade and the independent living centre known as Tasman Court at 19-23 Tasman Parade. Fresh Hope Care made a submission to the Land and Environment Court with proceedings fixed for a combined conciliation conference on 27 February 2024.

Sandon Point Seniors Living Development

Also on the topic of Seniors Living, Anglicare held a number of drop-in sessions in mid-September for neighbours and the community about the proposed Sandon Point Seniors Living Development. This was followed up by further information sessions in early November. These were great opportunities to see what is proposed to be built at the site which borders Wilkies Street, Geraghty Street and Tramway Creek in McCauley Estate. Anglicare propose to build 229 apartments for seniors living and 41 aged care rooms. There will be 24 separate apartment buildings, each with its own basement parking, lifts and security system. These apartment buildings will range from 2 to 4 storeys in height.

Anglicare hopes to have a modified Concept Plan (‘Modification 6’) on exhibition by early December, allowing for public submissions. The proposed modifications seek to amend the mix, type and number of dwellings on the site (now limited to Residential Aged Care Facility beds and Independent Living Units). This Concept Plan Approval is schematic only and does not permit any physical works. A development application will be submitted later that details the design for the site’s ultimate construction.

Thirroul Plaza

There has been no news from the developers about Thirroul Plaza since the DA was rejected by the Land and Environment Court in October 2022. The TVC proactively contacted one of the local developers involved in the Plaza development to discuss what was happening with the site, but has not heard back. There are a number of issues relating to the development in the centre of Thirroul that could be taken into account at the conceptual planning stage. The TVC encourages the developer to work with the community to achieve the best possible outcome.

Lot 101 Amy Street

A DA was lodged with Council to subdivide Lot 101 Amy Street, Thirroul into three Torrens Title lots (Lots 301, 302 and 303) and for access works to land behind Panmills Drive in McCauley Estate, including relocation of a portion of the public walkway known as Wilkies Walk. The Land and Environment Court approved the DA. A Planning Agreement (recently on public exhibition) was reached between Council, Anglicare and the developer for the relocation of part of the public pathway known as Wilkies Walk at the corner of Wilkies Way and Panmills Drive, Thirroul.

Traffic changes

In early June Transport for NSW (TfNSW) informed neighbouring residents of traffic changes to the southern part of Lawrence Hargrave Drive (LHD). The wider community was only consulted after the local member, Member for Heathcote, Maryanne Stuart intervened as a result of contact by the TVC. Residents on LHD situated near Wrexham Road and High Street continue to remain concerned about the safety of these changes especially the location of new bus stop. In relation to traffic changes slated for Bulli TfNSW advised Maryanne Stuart that all the changes, apart from the extended clearways (which were the major issue raised by residents and businesses) will be going through.

The TVC remains concerned about access to and from Thirroul. If ever there is an accident blocking the railway bridge or the bottom of Bulli Pass access to Thirroul would be extremely difficult. With this in mind members of the TVC executive and Save Thirroul Village took Maryanne Stuart on a tour of Thirroul to show her the locations of potential secondary access routes. This is just the start of a much-needed discussion.

Offshore wind farms

As local residents are aware an area in the Pacific Ocean, from Wombarra to Kiama is being considered for an offshore renewable energy zone (REZ). The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water held drop-in sessions on this issue in September, which was followed up by two extra panels and Q&A sessions with the Federal Member for Cunningham, Alison Byrnes along with local experts. A protest rally was held at Flagstaff Hill on 29th October about this controversial issue. Submissions closed on 15th November. The Federal Government will now make a decision about the proposed declaration of the REZ.

Community Recognition Certificate

The Member for Heathcote, Maryanne Stuart recently presented the TVC with a Community Recognition Certificate for continued work and commitment to Thirroul.

The TVC holds meetings five times a year at TRIPS Hall, Railway Parade Thirroul. You can email the TVC at: thirroulvillagecommittee@gmail.com.

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