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Solar rollout for everyone

On Saturday, 13 May, Electrify 2515 is launching its Community Solar Rollout and we’d love you to join our free event.

Our community group aims to create a simple trusted process for households and businesses to install new or expanded solar systems, so we’re excited to launch our rollout for all Illawarra residents (not just 2515!).

Learn about how solar is the essential foundation for creating our all-electric community, how we can become smart energy users and how you can get involved. You will:

Hear about our Community Solar Rollout program, which announces our vetted local solar partners and offers

Receive an update on the Electrify 2515 pilot funding application and plans

Speak with experts on solar and electrification about your personal scenario

View finance options to help you afford the upfront costs

Have key questions answered such as ‘Is my property too shady?’, ‘Are feed-in-tariffs a big deal?’, ‘How do I prepare for the electric future?’

Look and feel some of the technologies and learn about a quality solar recycling program

Community Solar Rollout Launch

When: 3-5pm, Saturday, 13 May

Where: Thirroul Community Centre & Library, Excelsior Room

Cost: Free

RSVP (essential): electrify2515.org/solar