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Remembering Councillor Vicky King

Wollongong City Council: 27 June 2023

Wollongong City Council will recognise the contribution of Councillor Vicky King with the planting of more than a thousand native trees and shrubs within some of her much-loved suburbs.

Councillor King served as a Wollongong City Councillor for a total of 19 years, until her sudden passing in February 2020.

On Monday 26 June 2023, Council endorsed the decision to commemorate Councillor King with a dedication tree planting at Hooka Point in Berkeley, followed by an avenue of trees and interpretive signage in West Dapto. The avenue of trees in West Dapto will be considered and planted at a later date, following community consultation.

The two locations are significant to Councillor King as she is remembered as a strong advocate for Wollongong, the environment and the city’s southern suburbs.

Wollongong City Lord Mayor Councillor Gordon Bradbery AM said that the two dedications would honour the memory of a woman who was passionate about the Wollongong community especially the southern suburbs.

“Councillor Vicky King served as a Councillor for 19 years over two periods from 1987 to 2004, and again from 2017 until her sudden passing in February 2020. She was also a significant figure in the Dapto community as she ran an accountancy business in Dapto for more than 40 years,” Cr Bradbery said.

“I personally can attest to Councillor King’s dedication and commitment to the community. Her contribution to the city can be seen through her work serving on the Aboriginal Reference Group, Illawarra Bushfire Management Committee, Illawarra Regional Information Service, Lake Illawarra Estuary Management Committee, West Dapto Review Committee, Illawarra Sports Stadium Trust, and the Illawarra Zone Liaison Committee – Rural Fire Service.”

Councillor King is survived by her husband Charlie, their six children and seven grandchildren.

What will the community recognition look like at each location?

Hooka Point

Hooka Point is currently one of Council’s most active and successful natural area restoration sites. To remember Councillor King and increase natural revegetation efforts in the area, Council will plant 1000 young native trees and shrubs.

A lectern style interpretive sign will also be installed to recognise Councillor King’s contribution to the City of Wollongong.

The dedication tree planting will take place later in the year.

West Dapto – draft West Dapto Green Network Masterplan

Council has been developing a Green Network Masterplan for West Dapto to assist with the delivery of a network of green spaces.

As part of the draft Masterplan, Council is proposing to include a formal avenue of trees and interpretive signage. The draft Masterplan is currently being finalised and will be shared more broadly with the community for feedback soon.