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NIRAG/NF3 Report on February 2024 meeting

The Northern Illawarra Residents Action Group (NIRAG) supports preservation of open space and the retention and enhancement of our Natural Environment, European and Indigenous Heritage.

Since 2020 Neighbourhood Forum 3 (Woonona, Bulli, Thirroul and Austinmer) has not had a convenor and residents have been welcome to attend NIRAG quarterly meetings to discuss and contribute to local community issues and concerns. As a conduit for community engagement, we are fortunate that senior Council officers and Ward 1 Councillors regularly attend and participate.

At the February meeting, the Council was congratulated on the completion of the widened section of Trinity Row cycleway north of the Bulli SLSC. The additional width has improved safety and the amenity of this beachfront area.

The meeting also voted to support:

  • 1. the Old Bulli Hospital community group campaigning to have additional parking provided on-site for visitors and staff as existing onsite parking is inadequate. Offsite solutions are unsafe for shift workers and conditions along Hospital Road are dangerous for aged and infirm pedestrians.
  • 2. A request to Council and the State Government to work together to bring into public ownership Amy Street Lot 303 (DA 2021/1324, approx. 7ha) which is largely zoned C3 Environmental Management and connects the catchments of Hewitts Ck, Woodlands Ck, Cookson’s Ck and Tramway Ck. This land has environmental and cultural value and provides a vital “green corridor” link between the coast and the escarpment along rehabilitated creek corridors.
  • 3. Retention of legal community access along the entire length of the Lower Coast Escarpment Track now that the Russell Vale colliery has closed and the site is to be remediated.
  • 4.  The nomination of Sandon Point as a National Surfing Reserve provided there was no conflict with the declared Aboriginal Place area.

State Planning Controls and Housing Policy

This policy is a major concern which if adopted will disempower local communities with non-refusal standards that override Councils’ planning controls even in heritage conservation areas. These changes were on exhibition until February 23rd.

They have major impacts on 8 railway and metro stations with forced rezoning within 1200m.  At another 31 nominated railway station areas (including Dapto, North Wollongong and Corrimal) residential flat buildings in all residential zones within 400 metres of the identified stations as well as residential flat buildings and shop-top housing in local and commercial centres (E1 and E2) are to be allowed.

The changes would allow:

  • 1. mid-rise buildings (3 to 6 storey) unit blocks within 800m walking distance of a railway station or town centres in R3 medium density zones and employment zones.
  • 2. 4 to 5-storey buildings between 400m and 800m of a railway station or a town centre.

Blanket “one size fits all” standards have no regard for the existing and desirable character or the compatibility of high-rise and higher-density developments with single dwellings. Six-storey buildings within 800m are completely out of character in northern Illawarra coastal and escarpment locations, and (quite apart from visual impacts) we believe all DA impacts must be assessed such as loss of solar access, overshadowing of neighbours, flooding risk, bushfire evacuation plans, parking, traffic and infrastructure impacts.

NIRAG understands there is an urgent need to overcome the housing shortage but even so, we believe it is too hasty to start these policies in June 2024 as proposed.  There must be more understanding of impacts and provision for individual assessment.

  • 1. We strongly oppose the non-refusal standards that override Councils’ LEP and DCP without consultation.
  • 2. We recommend that the commencement of the mid-rise proposal at least is delayed to allow more time to properly consult with councils and residents, and consider its implications in all situations where it will apply

Hewitts Creek BushCare

For 40 years NIRAG has been actively working to improve the local environment and volunteers have annually won environmental awards for regeneration and clean-ups of the Sandon Point / McCauleys Beach area. On Monday 19th February the NIRAG/Hewitts Ck Bushcare Group met at the Hewitts Ck cycleway bridge for the annual Clean Up Australia event on the site south of the creek. It was pleasing to see that even with recent high tides there was less rubbish than in previous years.

Every week the group meets at 8.30am to control noxious weeds and revegetate the site with endemic species. All welcome

Bulli Pass consultation until 11 March

$20 million has been allocated for investigation, a report of the route options and a strategic business case. Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is seeking community input on the Bulli Bypass project to help them understand what people are experiencing in and around Bulli and what are the important transport issues in the area.

It is hoped that multiple options will be explored for the extension of Memorial Drive. The project will also consider other transport improvements that could be made to improve safety, reduce congestion, and improve travel times and amenity within the Bulli area.

Complete the survey, comment on the interactive map or make a submission at www.haveyoursay.nsw.gov.au/bulli-bypass.

The next NIRAG quarterly meeting will be on Wednesday, 1st May 2024 at 7pm at the Bulli Community Centre Hall. All are welcome to share and contribute. Contact Ross Dearden by email: nirag@bigpond.com