NIRAG/NF3 report: Looking back at achievements in 2023

NIRAG held its last quarterly meeting in November and the minutes are on the Flame’s website.

It’s been another busy year with a lot of community interaction with Wollongong Council in the interim role as Neighbourhood Forum 3, covering the suburbs from Woonona to Austinmer.

NIRAG members shared information about the engagement process and responded to planning and draft strategy documents. We have had some success representing community concerns to Council about various Development Applications, the Infrastructure Development Plan, the Integrated Transport Strategy, and the Climate Change Mitigation Plan 2023, and supporting active transport.

Early in the year the Council revised plans for the cycleway in Pioneer Estate in response to residents’ concerns. Another major achievement was the commencement of the Trinity Row cycleway reconstruction at Bulli which is now being widened to 4m as a result of community submissions. NIRAG is still actively working to achieve a footpath for children and elderly to walk safely along Point Street before Geraghty St bridge is constructed to connect to Wrexham Road Thirroul, which will increase traffic considerably. This is anticipated as part of the Anglicare Seniors Living Development plans for the site between Wilkies Street, Thirroul and Tramway Creek, Bulli.

NIRAG has supported the Old Bulli Community Group concerns aiming to improve Hospital Road parking for Bulli Hospital following redevelopment and the sale of the old building site to Landcom.

Other activities included supporting the Referendum YES23 vote campaign; submissions in support of The Lower Escarpment Walking Track; changes to Private Certifiers notification requirements; Thirroul Plaza; Bulli Showground Master Plan; McCauley Lodge redevelopment and associated emergency access/ evacuation concerns for developments relying on Lawrence Hargrave Drive in particular; and opposing the Transport NSW decision to ignore the Movement and Place planning and design process for Thirroul village.

NIRAG made a submission to the Federal Government in support of a future  offshore wind zone providing there is full compliance with a detailed environmental assessment.

Throughout the year each Monday morning the NIRAG / Hewitts Ck Bushcare group meet at the Hewitts Ck cycleway bridge to care for the site.

Next meeting: Wed, Feb 7 at 7pm at Bulli Community Centre,

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