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NIRAG/NF3 next meets in Bulli on February 7

The Northern Illawarra Residents Action Group (NIRAG) was formed in August 1984 as a reaction to proposals to construct 40m high Coal Bins at Sandon Point, Bulli. Since 2020, it has been acting as Neighbourhood Forum 3 (Woonona, Bulli, Thirroul and Austinmer). Residents of this area are welcome to attend NIRAG quarterly meetings. As a conduit for community engagement, we are fortunate that senior Council officers and Ward 1 Councillors regularly attend and participate.

Anglicare Seniors Living Development:

Recently NIRAG has contributed a submission regarding Modification 6 of the Anglicare Seniors Living Development in support of the amendments proposed, emphasising concerns for construction of the Tramway Creek/Geraghty St linking bridge early because of the traffic impacts on existing Thirroul streets and Point St (and further south),  with traffic calming needed to prevent a “rat run”.

There are also concerns that there must not be a precedent created for the increase to 4-storey height of some buildings, even though these would be on the lowest (southern) part of the site not very visible from the McCauley Estate or other neighbours. However, on balance, the proposal is a significant improvement on the existing Mod 5 development already approved. In particular there is now more open space for the Turpentine Forest, additional parking on site, and Anglicare would retain ownership and control of the whole site while permitting pedestrian and cycle thoroughfares, encouraging active transport.

McCauley Lodge redevelopment

This redevelopment (8-10 and 19-23 Tasman Parade) has a deemed refusal by Council and is a concern to many residents. An on-site Land and Environment conciliation conference is scheduled on Tuesday, 27 February.

BushCare at Hewitts Creek

For almost 40 years NIRAG has been working to improve the local environment and volunteers have annually won environmental awards for regeneration and clean up work of the Hewitts Ck / McCauleys Beach area. Each Monday morning the NIRAG Hewitts Ck Bushcare Group meets at the Hewitts Creek cycleway bridge to care for the site south of the creek.

Next NIRAG quarterly meeting: 7pm on Wed, February 7 at the Bulli Community Centre Hall. All welcome. Email nirag@bigpond.com