NIRAG shares AGM and Quarterly Meeting Minutes from 2 August meeting

Thanks to NIRAG secretary Ross Dearden for sharing the August 2 minutes. Readers can also click on the links to download a PDF of the AGM Minutes and Quarterly Meeting Minutes


7 pm Wednesday 2nd August 2023

Bulli Community Centre Hall

Present  –     Cr Richard Martin, Cr Cameron Walters, Ross Dearden, Neil Walker, Tony Horneman, Murray Jones, Stephen Kennard, Susannah Cavill, Colin McGuinness, Margaret Hutchison, Kirk Bendall, Michael Crighton, Neil Hinds, Cherry Hardaker, Edie Swift, and Rae Barrett Foye

Apologies John Croker, Joanne Page, Maryanne Stuart MP, Jill Walker, Dave Beswick, Will Tibben, Annette Jones, Stephen Young, Ian McKinlay, Hayley Nault

President John Croker was a late apology so Ross opened the meeting at 7pm.

Minutes of last AGM on 3th August 2022

Accepted: (Neil Walker / Susannah Cavill)

Matters Arising

It was resolved not to collect membership fees again this year. (Agreed unanimously)


1)  President

In the absence of John Croker Ross gave a summary of the main actions throughout the year based on the reports that are printed in the Illawarra Flame magazine each month. NIRAG continues to support the Sandon Point Aboriginal Tent Embassy, SPATE, and in the role of NF3 provides Council with a link to the community until the Forum is restarted.

Accepted:  (Ross Dearden/ Tony Horneman)

2)  Treasurer

The Treasurer’s 2023 report was tabled by Ross (copies were tabled at the meeting) noting that the Sandon Point Coastal Park CBA Account was closed in November 2022 in accordance with the resolution of the previous AGM.

Accepted:  (Tony Horneman / Michael Crichton)

  1. Election of Officers

Cr Cameron Walters volunteered to be the returning officer for elections. There were no new nominations for the committee and all office bearers were re-elected:

  • President:  John Croker  (Ross / Steve K)
  • Vice President: Dave Beswick (Susannah C / Cherry H)
  • Secretary:  Ross Dearden (Cherry H /  Kirk B)
  • Treasurer:  Ross Dearden (Susannah C / Steve K)
  • Membership Secretary:  Susannah Cavill (Ross / Tony H)
  • Public Officer: Michael Crighton (Ross / Kirk B)

AGM Meeting closed at 7:20 pm (and the NIRAG August quarterly meeting followed).

NIRAG Quarterly Meeting Minutes, 7 pm, Wednesday 2 August 2023

Bulli Community Centre Hall

Present  –   Cr Richard Martin, Cr Cameron Walters, Ross Dearden, Neil Walker, Tony Horneman, Murray Jones, Stephen Kennard, Susannah Cavill, Colin McGuinness, Margaret Hutchison, Kirk Bendall, Michael Crighton, Neil Hinds, Cherry Hardaker, Edie Swift, Rae Barrett Foye, Jo Page (Director Infrastructure and Works from 8pm)

Apologies  Jill Walker, Maryanne Stuart (Member for Heathcote), Stephen Young, Hayley Nault, Annette Jones, Ian McKinlay, Dave Beswick, Will Tibben, Yvette

Minutes of last meeting: 3 May 2023:    Accepted by:  Neil Walker / Cameron Watters

Business arising:

  1. Objection to DA2021/1324 Amy St, Thirroul (and Panmills Dr) LEC approved 3 lot subdivision on 19th April. DA-2021/1324/A Modification of Development Application received from Council advising that Paul Nicholls has applied for a modification, which is designed to reduce the impact on Glenn McKirdy’s and the neighbouring property.  This additional consultation is appreciated. There were concerns raised that the use of coalwash should not be used as fill.
  2. Ocean Park Woonona: Plans to extend the Bulli Cemetery, at Owen and Carrington St, Bulli. No advice has been received.   Cr Martin confirmed that there has been no advice.
  3. Point St Footbridge : Awaiting advice from WCC on scope of work (subject to design assessment) with work scheduled for the FY 2024.  Awaiting results of the design assessment.   Noted
  4. DA 2022/1023, 20 townhouses in Nicholson St behind the Woonona Bulli RSL.  NIRAG and TVC assistance was given and an objection sent 16/11/22.  Wollongong Local Planning Panel refused the DA and on 17th July an LEC hearing was held on site without reaching agreement.  The developers had submitted amended plans and these were discussed at the conference, however, there were still too many issues for the parties to agree. Erina Kilpartrick (Council lawyer) was happy with some of the changes but there were still lots of problems.  A LEC hearing will be rescheduled for later this year or early next year and there will be further opportunities for input.  Noted
  5. NIRAG has had a follow up meeting IDP (Infrastructure Development Plan) discussion with Jo Page. About various outstanding local issues eg: Point St LATM linemarking is incomplete; Fill to eliminate ponding along the cycleway just north of the Sandon Point carpark is still required. It was pleasing to have Bulrushes cut well back to provide good sight distance at Tramway Creek cycleway crossing.

Jo Page advised that these items were being followed up.

  1. Section 134 (5) of the NSW EP&A Regulation requirement for Private Certifiers to notify neighbours prior to issuing Complying Development Certificates. Private Certifiers in Wollongong LGA are currently not required to give notice to neighbours.  Maryanne Stuart agreed to follow up and ask Paul Scully, Planning Minister, to make a change to the EP&A Regulation.   Update is requested.
  2. Old Bulli Hospital Community Group/ Landcom; Bulli Hospital WCC DA for ground remediation was on public exhibition (DA 2022/1364).  The group’s statement of claims was attached to the agenda emailed to members. Col McGuiness addressed the meeting and advised that additional services including Palliative Care were now at Bulli. Parking is a huge problem. Councillors Martin and Watters were able to inform the meeting of some progress and reported that “Dept of Health has a long term solution”, but was not yet able to give details.   Update is requested from Cr Martin

General Business

  1. Trinity Row residents: objected to the proposal to build a high safety fence separating the cycleway from the beach between Alroy St and Jardine St.  NIRAG responded to the exhibition and also suggested priority crossing at the Surf Club entrance with retention of the existing shelter shed.  Council met NIRAG on site on site and is looking at alternative design solutions in further consultation with stakeholders.  Jo Page advised that the existing shelter will be retained and that the fencing would be as low as allowable but that the fence was required for compliance.
  2. A response to the NIRAG/ NF3 Draft Delivery Program 2023 and IDP has been received.  The WCC response was attached to the agenda email and discussed briefly. There was some discussion about the inadequate information about performance targets and measures in particular.
  3. NIRAG made a submission on 12 June on the Bulli Showground Draft Master Plan suggesting that the area be extended and include vibrant community activities (such as skate park, child or after school care, off leach dog walking or an office hub/ small business centre pods) that would actively use the site everyday not just for special events.
  4. On 7th June: Ross and Stephen attended Workshop 2 for Future Opportunities, Preferred Way Forward - Wollongong Council Integrated Transport Strategy. The key aim of reducing dependence of car transport should be clearly stated.   A report is yet to be received.
  5. In cooperation with IBug comments and recommendations were circulated and a submission made on Pedestrian and cycling safety in the Wollongong foreshore area: Lang Park and Flagstaff Hill, Cliff Road/ Stewart Park.
  6. Trees at playgrounds:  Bulli mum Yvette has been trying to get shade at local playgrounds and has started a petition:
    Members were encouraged to give support and for local residents to participate in greening parks in their neighbourhood.
  7. Jeremy Lasek, is running a YES23 campaign for the Illawarra which began with an event on July 2 at UOW.  To support this initiative, please contact Jeremy on; Bronwyn Batten ( for 2515 area; or Tina Smith 2516 and 2517; ( 
    A Voice to Parliament is one of the key reforms Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities have called for through the Uluru Statement from the Heart. It will give First Nations peoples the right to have a say over laws that affect them. NIRAG Objective #7 is “To support Aboriginal Reconciliation and recognise the cultural rights of Indigenous Australians“. The meeting unanimously agreed to support the YES23 vote.
  8. Graffiti removal kits are available from Council by using the Report an Issue on the Council website.
    Ross has obtained a kit with 40 chemical wipes which can be borrowed by arrangement to remove graffiti on signs and other smooth surfaces.
  9. 2023/24 BPN Associate Membership Renewals; Cost $20 is due.  Renewal supported (Neil/Cherry)
  10. Proposal from a member that Council:
  • ban fossil-fuel gas connections in new developments
  • require Solar Panels for all new homes and apartments, commercial developments
  • require PV friendly electrical designs in larger developments with Shared Facility & Community batteries – similar to Community Parking in Shopping Centre Commercial Developments

These matters were part of a lively discussion and some considered it to be a State Planning responsibility and largely out of Council’s control, but it is understood that Waverly Council has already banned new gas installations and that in May 22 our Council has agreed to investigate ways to reduce greenhouse emissions from gas, both within Council operations and in the broader community in the next Climate Mitigation Plan.

Several other issues were raised such as the need to require EV charging and storage for cars and E bikes, mobility scooters etc in strata developments, larger commercial and community buildings.  See
Follow up letters to Paul Scully and Council to be sent.  ACTION:  Secretary.

  1. Reminder that these consultation items were previously sent to members: 
    a) Draft Library Strategy Consultation closes on 6 August
    b) Pedestrian improvements at Railway Pde Woonona closes on 13 August.

Treasurer’s Report:   ICU account (General A/c) Balance    $452.73

Late Business:     

Concerns for Council’s lack of due diligence in regards to planning for emergency access/ evacuation / fire etc was raised as a concern that needs to be addressed when considering DAs for nursing homes and other vulnerable user groups.  Council’s attention is drawn to the clear statement from the Department of Planning (DoP&E) dated 9 March 2023 stating in response to concerns regarding types of development that “If a DA is lodged, the planning consent authority would consider issues such as traffic congestion, bushfire risk and emergency services access when assessing the proposal”, but that the benefits of providing additional community facilities would also be considered.

Neil has already forwarded (2/8/23) his correspondence from 9th May to Maryanne Stuart and Councillors to follow up.


1. Neighbourhood Forum 3 needs a Convenor; NIRAG is acting as the interim WCC community contact. Anyone interested could contact Jen Lysle-Van Dyk, WCC Engagement Coordinator.

2. Thirroul Village Committee (TVC) meetings are held at the Railway Institute Hall in Thirroul.  The next TVC meeting is 4pm Sunday 24th September.

3. Our next NIRAG/NF3 quarterly meeting, is November 1st, 2023, at 7pm

Meeting concluded at 8.40 pm

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