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3 min read
NF1 plea to council: Don’t rush new library and community centre engagement

Warwick Erwin, convenor of Neighbourhood Forum 1 (2508 area), shares the community group's latest report

New Helensburgh Community Centre and Library

Council staff provided an update and started their very limited “engagement with the community”, which feels more like a tick-the-box exercise than a real engagement on the biggest council project in the 2508 area, possibly ever. It is a project that should have a life of over 50 years. It is not a project to be rushed as Council is trying to do.

The Walker St location is what the community came out loud and clear in saying though the engagement on the Plan of Management for the Crown Reserves of Charles Harper Park, Pool and Sportsgrounds when Council indicated it was planning to build the new Community Centre and Library in front of the swimming pool.

Back in 2017 when Council conducted engagement on a new Library (library replacement only), including multiple workshops, the community indicated we wanted a combined Community Centre and Library (report never released by Council) and the Library replacement project died and funding disappeared.

At a Helensburgh Town Centre Plan community engagement in early 2019, including two workshops, it was clear that the community wanted the combined Community Centre and Library. Covid-19 restriction prevented face-to-face engagement and only 29 people completed Council’s survey about the Community Centre.

Where are we at now?

Council has finally (after a delay of more than two years) agreed with the Community that the combined centre should be in Walker Street.

Council wants to build the new centre on the vacant blocks it bought for $3.6 million (originally offered to Council for $3.2m six months earlier) and sell the two blocks the current library is on.

Council intends to use a design-and-construct contract to “speed up” the construction. This means that the community may not have the option to review and comment on the design.

Council’s presentation to NF1 showed a library double the size of the existing library but community centre facilities smaller than at the existing centre. No details on the amount of parking. An engagement period of less than 28 days ended on 28 October 2024.

The community wants a larger modern library with capacity for future technologies and a community centre at least the size/capacity of the current centre – not smaller. Parking has to service the new combined centre and the town’s main street. Council wants to do a rush job and that never gives what the community needs and wants.

Have your say: Email comments to new Lord Mayor Tania Brown and Ward One Councillors Richard Martin, Dan Hayes, Ryan Morris, Jess Whittaker via council@wollongong.nsw.gov.au

Ward Councillors

Cr Richard Martin, Cr Dan Hayes, Cr Ryan Morris, and Cr Jess Whittaker were elected as Ward One councillors and Cr Richard Martin, Cr Dan Hayes, and Cr Ryan Morris attended the October meeting of NF1. Cr Tania Brown was elected as Lord Mayor.

Stormwater issues

Numerous properties have reported stormwater issues, mainly with concentrated follows from Councils roadworks causing erosion on their properties – this is being referred to Council’s Director of Works and Infrastructure.

Helensburgh Cemetery Portico consultation

No report from Council yet but indications are that majority of feedback supported removing the portico and a new front entrance to the cemetery.

NF1 next meets 7pm, 13 November at Otford Hall