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Next phase of Bulli traffic improvements on the way

Transport for NSW Media Release: 14 December 2022

As the Memorial Drive roundabout nears completion, plans are underway for the next package of upgrades in the Bulli Traffic Improvements project following extensive community consultation.

A Transport for NSW spokesperson said the work would include delivering the promised parking upgrades on Railway and Station Streets and clearway extensions on the Princes Highway, with construction estimated to start in mid-2023.

“All parking impacted by the extension of clearway times will be offset with permanent spots and these changes will result in a minimum increase of 15 parking spaces during peak travel times,” the Transport for NSW spokesperson said.

“New parking spaces and carpark upgrades will be provided on Railway and Station Streets.

“Once those parking offsets are in place, the extended hours on existing clearways will be introduced between Station Street and Park Road.”

The Transport for NSW spokesperson said changes have been made to the original proposal for a one-way arrangement at Railway Street in response to community feedback on the impact that would have for businesses.

“Two-way traffic flow will be retained on Railway Street and Station Street and within the train station car park to improve access to buses and trains,” the spokesperson said.

“Access to Station Street will now be left turn in and out only.”

The Transport for NSW spokesperson said further investigations are being carried out in response to feedback calling for improved access to the surrounding shared paths.

“We are now looking into options for an additional raised pedestrian crossing on Park Road,” the spokesperson said 

Temporary traffic changes during work hours will include reduced speed limits and lane closures.

The community will be notified in advance of this work.

Work to add an additional left turn lane from the roundabout at the intersection of the Princes Highway and Memorial Drive started in February 2022 and is expected to be completed in December 2022.

For more information on the Bulli Traffic improvements visit nswroads.work/bullithirroul

Download a PDF of the traffic improvements.