Neighbourhood Forum 1 shares February meeting report

By Neighbourhood Forum 1 convenor Warwick Erwin

New Community Centre and Library

NF1’s preliminary design for the new Helensburgh Community Centre and Library has had community feedback with the chief question being: Where is the parking for the town centre? Residents also suggested windows looking out to the bush and a full commercial kitchen. One asked why just the two blocks and not across all four blocks, with parking for the centre and town in front, with access via the roundabout.

After a meeting request, NF1 will ask Council for a copy of the scope of work for the centre and a schedule for tender, design, DA and completion.

Announced on 20 February: “A re-elected Albanese Labor Government will help complete the Southern Suburbs Community Centre & Library in Warrawong, with a $10 million commitment to the project made today.”

Our community has been without a centre for over 10 years and has a demountable building for a library that’s not far off its 60th birthday. Where is our “overdue but well-deserved investment”?

Budget Items for 25/26

A preliminary list of items was provided to Cr Richard Martin, who attended the NF1 meeting. Some projects on the list include:

  • Parkes St and Lilyvale St Roundabout;
  • Footpaths and curb & guttering on all streets in Helensburgh;
  • Road Closed/No Through Road electronic remote activated signs for Otford Road at Werrong Rd and Otford railway bridge;
  • Reconstruction of Lady Carington Drive beside river that has been collapsing;
  • Increase parking at Helensburgh Station;
  • Otford Road Park new play equipment;
  • Helensburgh Cemetery – no more delays;
  • Playground Fencing at Charles Harper Park.

Completion of projects is a big question as schedules given are not met.

Incomplete projects include: Helensburgh Swimming Pool shell replacement; Roundabout at Parkes St and Lilyvale St; Safe walkway to Stanwell Tops; Enforcement of Court orders – 750 Princes Highway; Otford Hall Replacement.

Email Ward 1 Councillors with your items for next year’s budget; addresses on Council’s website.

About NF1

Volunteers run Neighbourhood Forums and NF1 still needs a co-convenor. Next meeting: 7pm, March 12 at Helensburgh Community Rooms (Old Community Centre)

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