Neighbourhood Forum 1 report on August 9's meeting

By NF1 convenor Warwick Erwin

Councillors present at August 9 meeting – Crs Richard Martin and Cameron Walters,

Otford Road Causeway

Council has started work; it’s a construction zone with no access. Council hasn’t given a completion date but it won’t be before the start of bushfire season. Council has not responded to the request from Otford Residents and NF1 for 40kph speed limit on Otford Rd. Council has not released the design of the replacement causeway to the community. Updates via

Draft Helensburgh Park Crown Land PoM

Council is seeking feedback on the Draft Helensburgh Park Crown Reserves Plan of Management (PoM). The Crown land under this PoM includes Charles Harper Park, Rex Jackson Park and Helensburgh Memorial Pool.

This Plan of Management is below standard compared to PoMs of other NSW Councils. Numerous NF1 members have said Helensburgh Park is a sporting area and they believe Council only wants the permission to build a centre in front of the pool so Council can build a cheaper building than if it was to build a new centre either at the existing site or the blocks of land next to the current Library that Council bought for $3.6M.

Go to – page 27 gives a plan view that may indicate Council has preliminary plans for allocations of the new building/s. It would be good it Council was transparent with the plans.

Have you say on the PoM even though submissions closed 30 August. Do you want the new Community Centre and Library at the pool? Phone Council on 4227 7111 and ask for Council’s Community Land Management Officer, Martha Tyndall. Email and use “Draft Helensburgh Park PoM” in the Subject Title of the email. If you don’t tell Council your opinion, don’t complain later.

Parkes Street Road Works

Council’s response to residents’ complaints has been to refer them to Council’s page on road resurfacing – – which in part states: “A temporary spray seal of bitumen and stone chip will be put on top of the road surface. We know this is not popular with most people, but it provides waterproofing and protects the road while the binder hardens. Driving on this surface helps to settle loose stones, but it’s best to slow down on recently spray-sealed roads.

“The spray seal will be left for about 3 months while the road settles before it gets its final surface. There’s no way to speed up this process.”

There is already a mud hole and blocked drainage. Council did not advise residents of these roadworks.

Wollongong Police Senior Constable Wes Dallas, Crime Prevention Officer

Snr Constable told the forum that manning of Helensburgh Police station is being held up as the site is subject to a land claim by Illawarra Local Aboriginal Land Council. Issues affecting the area include speeding vehicles on Parkes St, dirt bikes illegally riding on roads, break and enter into cars and houses. Lock all doors and report crimes to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, NSW Police Non-Emergency 131 444, Wollongong Police on 4226 7899 or through the portal on the NSW Police website. Statistics drive the resourcing – report it if you see something.

Draft Wollongong Industrial Lands Review

WCC is asking for comment on the Draft Wollongong Industrial Lands Review 2023 (Draft Review) by 11 September. Pages 99 to 101 of the document refer to the “industrial lands” in Helensburgh. Parkes St and Cemetery Rd and 159 to 169 Walker St (the area that drains to C2 Environmental Conservation land and into the Hacking River – rezoned in 2015 on the floor of Council against recommendations from Council staff). Comment now – draft report recommends no change. Bus depot is not in the area and exists under existing use rights.

In General Business

  • When will the The Ridge footpath be done?
  • Coles supermarket and pedestrian crossing at the post office flooded on night of 5 August. Not a large storm. What will Council do?
  • Embankment collapsed on Lady Carrington Rd, Otford on way to the station.
  • Erosion on Maxwell Crescent and Park Parade Stanwell Park
  • Tree on council land on Bulgo Rd, Helensburgh destroying the drain.
  • Council has begun work on cemetery portico.
  • Maryanne Stuart Member for Heathcote to look into the 10% discount on council rates for residents suffering hardship.
  • Proposal for basketball court in Helensburgh

Next meeting: 13 Sept, 7pm at Otford Hall

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