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Neighbourhood Forum 1 Report for May

Otford Community Hall Replacement

A revised set of drawings has been received by Otford Community Inc for the replacement hall with questions from the Otford Community Inc receiving responses from Council. NF1 has been promised further community engagement.

Helensburgh Town Centre work

Council’s Director of Infrastructure and Works committed to having works completed before the end of this current financial year.

Helensburgh Community Centre

Commitment from Council to have the front section – Youth Centre – reopened by the end of June. The main section of the existing community centre will remain closed with its future demolition timeframe yet to be decided.

Where do you want the new Helensburgh Community Centre located?

From the feedback to NF1, the majority of the community feels the best location is where the existing Community Centre is, with parking and green space on the three blocks of land that Council owns across the road. Council staff have pushed for the location to be at the swimming pool to the extent of delaying further community engagement and design by waiting for change of use permission from the State for the Crown lands. The draft 2024 Infrastructure Delivery Plan has the new centre listed for design in 2024/5 and 2025/6 years and construction in 2026/7 and 2027/8 years.

Another 4-5 years but with Council’s delay record that could be longer.

As a community we may get to give the demountable library a 60th birthday.

Let the Councillors, including the Lord Mayor, know and make a submission on the Draft Plan.

April rain storm

Council’s Floodplain and Stormwater Manager was at the April NF1 meeting and listened to members detail the impacts, especially at The Crescent and Postmans Track, where road and drainage works damaged the heritage drain and removal of curb caused flooding into at least one house. We also discussed the impact to residents of Otford with water coming down from the railway bridge.

Director of Infrastructure and Works, Jo Page, drove in to Otford down Otford Road, inspecting the Otford Causeway. She agreed with the member who pointed out the descent to the causeway was a concern. The promised flood gates have not been installed as NF1 was led to believe with the completion of the replacement causeway. This has been listed in the draft 2024 Infrastructure Delivery Plan as being designed in 2026/7 and 2027/8 years. The electronic warning signs at Werrong Rd and Bald Hill on Otford Rd to warn of the causeway being closed are not listed. Discussions raised concerns of someone driving onto the causeway in a flood and not being able to be rescued, following the incident on Saturday, 6 April with a P-plater not being able to stop before the causeway. It was driven home to Council officers of the great concern over the danger of the causeway being flooded.

The causeway was not totally blocked and even with the deflector deflecting large debris up and onto the causeway to allow water to continue to travel under the causeway. It was reported by locals of a 2m depth over the causeway at 6am on the Saturday. Locals and Council had the causeway clear by the Monday.

The road from Tunnel Road into the railway station has been taken to the top of Council’s repair list. Geotechnic engineers from Council were on site on the Monday after the rain event and also reviewed Whitty Rd and Walker St intersection, with construction listed in the draft 2024 Infrastructure Delivery Plan for next financial year together with safety railings.

Helensburgh Pool Reline / Upgrade

NF1 understood it was to take place this winter but the draft 2024 Infrastructure Delivery Plan lists it for 2024/5 and 2025/6 years. Asked if the state grant for the work could be lost due to the delay, Council said they would ask for an extension and this has not been refused in the past.

Draft Delivery Program 2022-2026 and Operational Plan 2024-2025

This was presented to NF1 and is now on exhibition. View documents at www.wollongong.nsw.gov.au and Helensburgh Library. On Council’s website, watch a video, read the FAQs and explore the map. You can search by suburb or project type.

Let Council know what you think about the plans or make a submission – not only what is in the plans but what they have left out – via the feedback form on Council’s website, email to ourwollongongourfuture2032@wollongong.nsw.gov.au or phone (02) 4227 7111.

Submissions close on Tuesday, 7 May.

Council elections are in September. The next NF1 meeting is 7pm, Wednesday, 8 May.