Meet a councillor: Linda Campbell

Welcome to our new series by journalist Brian Kelly. Wollongong has 12 councillors and over the next year, we aim to introduce you to all of them. First up, meet Linda Campbell, an Australian Labor Party councillor for Ward 3, which covers the southern part of our city

Linda Campbell says the only thing more bruised than her hand when she tumbled off her e-bike in a Port Kembla lane would have been her pride – if anyone had been looking.

Luckily for her, the incident occurred in one of the suburb’s quieter laneways. The Wollongong councillor didn’t quite have the speed required and gravity had done the rest. The problem had been, she said, “loss of momentum”.

A lack of velocity would hardly seem the Wollongong councillor’s day-to-day problem as she regularly ticks off a ream of tasks that would tire the Energizer bunny: reading stacks of council papers – in the bath, if necessary – being the oldest member of Dapto Physie, writing and directing stage plays, writing an occasional column on Netflix viewing, dodging snakes while kayaking in Mullet Creek, keeping up with grandchildren.

Ward 3 would seem her natural place to advocate for community needs; she’s been a Port resident for more than 35 years and grew up in Berkeley and Dapto, where memories included swimming to Gooseberry Island, camping on a friend’s farm on a soggy night, and joining her mum and dad on the drive up to Wongawilli Colliery, where he worked (and, quietly, she doesn’t think the roads have improved).

Linda is excited about getting West Dapto’s ongoing residential development right, and understands the importance of roads as part of the overall equation. “For someone like me, who thinks it’s important to have places where communities can get together … it’s hard to argue for those when you don’t have the roads to get to them.

“People will say ‘you’re getting all that money from rates’, but it’s a floodplain – the stuff the money goes on is invisible. It’s drainage, gutters – all the hidden things.”

Linda has been a Wollongong councillor for just six months, but has long stewed in the foibles of local governments, having managed community services in Kiama, Shellharbour and Camden, among others. Now she’s an elected policymaker, not “hands on”, and she savours and understands the importance of the difference.

Passionate about libraries and their role, Linda is turning her attention to Warrawong’s upcoming library and community hub, planned for the corner of Greene St and King St, rising building prices notwithstanding.

“All the prices have gone through the roof, so there’s always that challenge delivering any kind of big building,” she said.

“But we’ll work through it. I think people respond to your expectation … if we deliver a really high-quality public building in Warrawong, it sends a pretty powerful message – that we believe people there are worth in investing in, and I absolutely do.”

Q&A with Linda Campbell

Which accomplishment as a councillor has brought you most satisfaction?

I am so excited to see Warrawong Library and Community Centre commencement  be included in the  new delivery program.  I think libraries and the programs they offer are critical in so many different ways. I’m also happy to see a large allocation for West Dapto roads. 

Which council ambition/project was your 'one that got away'? 

I have a couple of projects that I would like to see become reality but I can already see they will be difficult.  

How important are neighbourhood forums; how often do you attend?

I try to go to the two neighbourhood forums when I can and probably average every second meeting. I was pleased to see that Council has a range of engagement strategies to help capture the needs, aspirations and concerns of community. The Neighbourhood Forums policy is due for review so it will great to listen to what people think about their role and operations. 

Where should Council's priorities lie over the next five years? 

The really broad consultation undertaken to develop the strategic plan Our Wollongong, Our Future allowed almost 9000 people to provide information about what they saw as important. I think they have it right. Our environment, local economy, facilities and recreation and sports fields are all important. In Ward 3 we also have West Dapto, which will be home to over 40,000 residents and trying to get the critical infrastructure there for them is a priority.   

What was best and worst things about your lockdown experience?

I found space to write and create. I wrote a short play, Crossing the Line, which was staged as part of Phoenix Theatre’s Teapot Tales for the International Women’s Day celebration in 2021. The worst part was not being able to hug my grandchildren. I was grateful for the virtual contact but it was so very wonderful to be able to hug them in person.   

What's your favourite Illawarra beach?

Tough question but the one I use most is Port Kembla Beach. I swim most days in summer and still get out on my boogie board occasionally. My dog would argue that MM dog beach is better.  

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