Local charity In Need of a Food Truck

Q&A with Shaz Harrison, founder of local charity Need a Feed.

Tell us about Need a Feed.

Need a Feed was founded in 2012, and one of our greatest achievements has been evolving from simply providing food and food parcels to becoming a true community family.

We connect with the community through food, using it as a way to build relationships and offer support in a non-judgemental environment where everyone feels included. We’re genuinely here for them, building a strong community and offering real support. We also partner with organisations and individuals who share our goal: to help people.

How great is the need at the moment?

The local need has really changed, and right now, it’s bigger than ever. We’re seeing new faces every day, and it’s not just the usual groups anymore.

We’re talking about people who own their homes but are still struggling – the working poor.

There seem to be more lonely people out there, and we’re seeing younger people with mental health issues. People are getting desperate, and when that happens, they can end up doing desperate things. The challenges our community faces are getting tougher.

What does Need a Feed need?

We need a food truck to reach out into the community and make a lasting impact by providing consistent meals for people who can’t get to us. This will help us build stronger relationships and offer the support people need. We need the community’s support. With our BIG fundraiser coming up in September, we need people to rally behind it and actively participate.

Business support and sponsorships are crucial to making a lasting impact in the community. We need a community that embraces inclusivity, brings understanding and sticks together without judgement. By coming together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change, making sure no one is left behind.

How can readers help?

We depend on community support as we are not government funded. We need financial backing and passionate sponsors to make a difference. By setting up a regular monthly or weekly donation – tax deductible – you play a key role in sustaining our efforts and drive the success of our food truck fundraiser. The support is crucial and impactful.

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