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1 min read
Hot weather forecast brings first Total Fire Ban for season

While the official start to the Bushfire Season is still two weeks away, a Total Fire Ban has been declared for the Illawarra and Shoalhaven from midnight on Tuesday.

Superintendent Martin Surry from the NSW Rural Fire Service says with warm, windy weather forecast the fire danger is elevated prompting the first total fire ban for the season. 

“The Illawarra has dried out rapidly after recent strong winds,” Mr Surry said.

 He said preparations for the bushfire season were well in hand and included seven hazard reduction burns in the Helensburgh area and one at Calderwood in recent weeks.

“We are hoping for more hazard reduction burns if the conditions allow in the weeks ahead,” he said. 

Mr Surry said with temperatures forecast to reach 25 degrees tomorrow and wind gusts up to 35 km/hour it made sense to declare the Total Fire Ban. With winds expected to strengthen further and a maximum temperature forecast of 26 on Thursday, he believes the total fire ban may be extended for another 24 hours.

“All our brigades have gone through their training and preparation, and we have good numbers to call on,” Mr Surry said. “Of course we could always use more people.”

The Total Fire Ban which takes effect from midnight will mean no fires out in the open, and you cannot carry out any activity in the open that causes fire or is likely to cause a fire.

This Saturday, September 21, RFS brigades will open their doors for Get Ready Weekend. Local volunteer firefighters will provide valuable information and resources to ensure you’re ready for the upcoming bush fire season. Read more here.