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3 min read
Get Ready for fire season

Most long-term residents know it is important to understand the bushfire risk, based on the current seasonal outlook for 2023. But for new residents this summer might be the first time they’ve had to think about how to plan and prepare for a bushfire.

RFS NSW Superintendent Martin Surrey told the Illawarra Flame that two rainy years had allowed a lot of fuel to build up in the bush.

“We’re taking every opportunity we can to carry out hazard reduction work. It is highly likely we’ll go into an El Niño throughout the remainder of the year, which will mean warmer temperatures, drier weather, setting us up for a bushfire season.”

To make sure all locals, including newcomers, are well-informed, Brett Skiller from the Helensburgh Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade teamed up with Mattias Samuelsson from Ray White Helensburgh and Julie York from Raine and Horne to add special bushfire information to their welcome packages for new residents.

Brett, who has been with the fire brigade for 23 years, said: “We’ve put together a welcome letter for residents who buy a house in the area, detailing what apps they should download, when the fire season starts and contact details of local brigades. And we also ask them if they would like to join their local brigade.”

Supt Surrey said: “Particularly in the areas between Helensburgh and Bulli, where people have to drive through bushfire risk areas: make sure that you are set up for a possible lengthy stay away from home as you may get stuck in road closures. And make sure the kids know, if they’re going to be home on their own, that they know exactly what it is they are going to do.

“Make sure you touch base with the neighbours also. And make sure the kids know what they are going to do in the event they are disrupted coming home from school by fire as well.

“I think it is really important for the local community to understand the risks of the area they live in, to make sure that they download their own bushfire survival plan, so that everyone in the household knows exactly what it is that they’re going to do in the event of a bushfire.”

Throughout Spring and Summer it is important to stay up to date on conditions in your area and leave early.

4 simple steps to plan and prepare

  • Discuss what to do if a bushfire threatens your home
  • Prepare your home and get it ready for bushfire season
  • Know the bushfire alert levels
  • Have all bushfire information numbers, websites and smartphone app on your phone.

Your Bushfire Need-to-Know List

  • In an emergency call Triple Zero (000)
  • Hazards Near Me NSW free smartphone app. A mobile application on IOS and Android to help you stay up to date. This application replaces Fires Near Me NSW.
  • Contact your local brigade on Facebook, visit a Get Ready information day on 16-17 September or contact Illawarra Fire Control Centre, Albion Park. Talk to RFS volunteers at the Helensburgh Lions Club Country Fair on October 28.
  • NSW Rural Fire Service: rfs.nsw.gov.au
  • Bushfire information line: 1800 NSW RFS (1800 679 737). Facebook @nswrfs
  • Local radio: ABC Illawarra  97.3 FM
  • Stanwell Park Rural Fire Brigade: 108 Lawrence Hargrave Drive, Facebook @stanwellparkrfs
  • Darkes Forest Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade, 302 Darkes Forest Road, Facebook @darkesforestrfs
  • Helensburgh Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade, Facebook @NSWRFSHelensburgh
  • Austinmer Rural Fire Service, Buttenshaw Drive, Facebook @AustinmerRuralFireService
  • Bulli Rural Fire Brigade, 8 Dumbrell Rd, Facebook @bulliruralfirebrigade
  • Otford Rural Fire Brigade, Otford Road

Join your local RFS! Visit rfs.nsw.gov.au