© 2024 The Illawarra Flame
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Donations pour in as community rallies round to support local family

Donations have poured in for Monica Offergeld after her husband, Shaun Wendt, passed away suddenly in December. Almost 200 people have rallied round to raise more than $25,000 to help Monica and her sons, Rhys and Max.

Otford local Natasha Watson started the online fundraiser to relieve the family’s financial stress, including their mortgage and funeral expenses.

“Monica’s family has had a traumatic three years since their little house in Otford was crushed by a huge gum tree, breaking Shaun’s leg and leaving the family stressed and homeless,” Natasha said.

“Their insurance company has delayed assistance, and the repairs still not completed despite nearly three years passing.

“Shaun’s death, on top of all the trauma, has left the little family devastated. Shaun was a much-loved family member, friend and long-term manager at the NRL head office – I hope this GoFundMe is indicative of his legacy.”

Donations to the fundraiser, titled “In Memory of Shaun Wendt & recovery for his little family”,  may be made at GoFundMe.com

Shaun and Monica with their sons