Daniel shares his Waste2Wages success story at Reviva Dunmore

Resource Recovery Australia can offer stable and meaningful employment for people who face barriers to getting jobs through #WASTE2WAGES.

Daniel Sommer, who works at Reviva Dunmore, is one of the initiative’s success stories.

In 2013, Daniel started working two to three days per week at the Dunmore facility through a Work for the Dole scheme. Daniel was such a stand-out, after a couple of months he was offered a retail traineeship. It wasn’t long before he was made a team leader, a role he holds today and one that he enjoys immensely.

Daniel’s story is not unusual in that anyone can find themselves facing long-term unemployment. He had a wonderful childhood, growing up with his parents and younger twin brothers. He completed his Higher School Certificate and enjoyed playing footy. After leaving school, he picked up work here and there, but struggled to find permanent employment, eventually finding himself unemployed for three years before he started at Reviva Reuse Shop Dunmore.

Now, in addition to his role as Team Leader, Daniel says his biggest achievement is “the waste we have kept out of landfill over the years”.

One aspect of Daniel’s daily role is to accept the items dropped off at the facility and sort them. He also goes to the transfer station (tip) and looks for anything that can be salvaged.

“I find lawn mowers, whipper snippers, old tools, furniture, amongst other things.”

Daniel at Shellharbour's Reviva Reuse Shop

Daniel estimates that about 90% of items dropped off to Reviva Reuse Shop can be salvaged. He enjoys serving customers and helping them to find recycled treasures.

“Working for Resource Recovery Australia has changed my life. I’m more confident and am in a much better financial position.”

Daniel has also completed the following training through Resource Recovery Australia: First Aid, HSR (Health and Safety Representative), Test and Tag, Forklift, Cultural awareness, Asbestos awareness, Leadership training.

“The job stood out simply because of the people who were part of the team. I love the fact that every day is different,” he says.

“I go home with a smile every day knowing the impact we have on the community and the environment.”

Read more: Shellharbour social enterprise reinvents rubbish, helping people and planet

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