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Community forum seeks a green, safe, flood-free city for our future

Submissions have now closed for the community to provide input into one of the most important strategic documents to guide Wollongong's future for the next decade.

Wollongong City Council reviews its Community Strategic Plan – 'a shared community vision to inform action over the next 10 years' – every term of Council to ensure it meets our community's needs.

Council says this review has been carried out at a most challenging time following bushfires, floods and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hundreds of submissions have been received.

In a detailed submission, Council's Neighbour Forum 5 – representing people living in Wollongong's central suburbs – has highlighted many of the challenges and opportunities facing the city right now and in the years ahead.

NF5 wants a green city. Photo: Jeremy Lasek

The forum wants a future Wollongong to be:

  • A green city with green corridors from the escarpment to the ocean, with Council enlisting greater community involvement in tree planting and local park management, and with deep planting of trees at the front, not the back, of new developments with mandatory green roofs on unit developments;
  • A flood-free city, despite climate change, with timely maintenance of all watercourses, and appropriate infrastructure to contain flooding and its impact on people;
  • A safer city with more traffic calming; more infrastructure for active transport; promotion of street parties to encourage community development and the active use of local streets;
A 40km zone at Stuart Park. Photo: Jeremy Lasek
  • A city of harmonious residential areas with reliable, enforceable character statements for new development, and high-rise development near the centre relating to adjoining buildings and with welcoming entries;
  • A city with a heart, an exciting centre showcasing our many diverse cultural communities and celebrating our industrial strength;
  • A city where education is valued, available, and relevant to the various needs of all in the community and enhances their quality of life;
  • A city where suitable jobs are available in accordance with the aspirations and needs of individuals and industry; and
  • A City Council that cares for and collaborates with residents in planning and delivering affordable essential services and infrastructure efficiently and effectively.
E-scooters at North Beach. Photo: Jeremy Lasek

Council staff are now in the process of reviewing all the community feedback.

"The development of the Community Strategic Plan is one of the largest community consultations Council undertakes, and we welcome the pleasing amount of feedback we have received through phase one of the engagement process," a Council spokesperson said.

"We are currently finalising the number of voices heard as part of this first phase of engagement. The next phase of engagement will be public exhibition, which is currently proposed for April-May 2025, before going to the final meeting of Council in June for adoption."

Sunrise at Wollongong Harbour. Photo: Jeremy Lasek