Council news
All opinions wanted on pop-up cycleways

Wollongong City Council media release: 20 January 2023

For almost two years, we’ve trialled pop-up cycleways in key streets in Thirroul, Towradgi, Wollongong, and Port Kembla.

Over that time, we’ve monitored their use and sought feedback from the community to make changes along the way.

With the two-year anniversary of this trial fast approaching, we’re completing a final round of community engagement as we consider whether to make these cycleways a permanent addition to our city. And we want to hear from everyone.

“We know there are many opinions on the pop-up cycleways,’’ Wollongong City Lord Mayor Councillor Gordon Bradbery said.

“This is why we’re asking for feedback from the community one last time. We’re taking a critical look at the rollout of this trial and considering whether the different cycleways continue as they are, are tweaked, or removed altogether.

“Community feedback is an important part of our evaluation process and it’s essential we hear from everyone in our community. Hearing all opinions helps Council to understand how our community interact with these spaces and to make informed decisions.’’

The Pop-up Cycleways survey is available until Monday, 30 January 2023, for both users and non-users.

The cycleways were introduced, with financial support from the NSW Government and part of Council’s adopted Wollongong Cycling Strategy 2030. They aim to improve safety and access for bicycle riders.

The operation of the cycleways varies at each location from on-road dedicated lanes in Smith Street, to having road markings only in Thirroul.

“We support bike riding as a mode of active transport or simply for recreation and fun across the Wollongong Local Government Area,’’ Wollongong City Council General Manager Greg Doyle said.

“We’re proudly a UCI Bike City and we are the only city in the southern hemisphere to have this title thanks to our focus to improving cycling accessibility, safety, and prioritising key locations where people like to ride.

“Our cycling network and shared pathways stretches about 130km with plans for a further 80km in the pipeline in the long term. It’s important these shared paths and links are in the right locations and offer what our community needs and will use. That’s why asking the community is a key step in the process, and we want to hear feedback from everyone.’’

People can share their feedback on the Final Survey by:

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