Alex Peterson remembered for his ‘outstanding contribution’

By Ross Dearden, Hon Secretary, NIRAG

The Northern Illawarra Residents Action Group (NIRAG) was formed in 1984 in reaction to proposals to build coal bins on the Tramway Creek floodplain and concerns for over-development and its impacts on the environment. Alex Peterson joined NIRAG in the early days, a few years after the group successfully saved the Sandon Point environment from coal bins, and over the following 20 years he became one of the most recognisable spokespersons for NIRAG.

Alex was NIRAG’s Secretary from 2003 to 2006 and from 2007 Alex was NIRAG’s president. Even after he moved to Oak Flats in 2013 he continued to be active in our local community. 

For 10 years, until September 2017, Alex was president until his health began to deteriorate. At the meeting on 3 February 2021 a motion to award Life Membership to Alex was endorsed unanimously to acknowledge his outstanding contribution and long years of service.

In the early 1990s, he was a member of the Local Environment Study (LES) community consultation team – which included BHP collieries, AIR, Cooksons, Sydney Water Board, Ray Hannah Motors and Wollongong Council –  leading up to the adoption of Development Control Plan (DCP) 94/17. 

Through this early work NIRAG was influential in gaining recognition of the value of the natural environmental features at Sandon Point.

In particular, Alex championed the value of the natural creeks and floodplain and was very aware of the Aboriginal cultural significance of Sandon Point. He worked tirelessly and encouraged others to revegetate and preserve the site as habitat and public open space as an alternative to housing development.

Over the years Alex led many delegations to Council and Parliamentarians, and wrote countless submissions and organised public meetings. 

He raised awareness of the impact of the Sandon Point development proposals in the wider community and was a dedicated supporter of the Community Picket and Sandon Point Aboriginal Tent Embassy (SPATE). The Community Picket was established on site, at the end of Hill Street in February 2001. It was staffed 24/7 for five years.

His interest in Aboriginal heritage, rock art and the environment helped break down barriers and encourage understanding and reconciliation by assisting SPATE and listening to local people. He was always a firm believer in community consultation.

Alex helped with fundraising, letterboxing and organising of public meetings and delegations. He presented a submission in the Sandon Point COI proceedings, guided COI site inspections in March 2003, and travelled to Sydney for Stockland AGM protests. Following the destruction of the Picket by fire in February 2006, he continued picketing our local MPs. 

He always worked toward maintaining NIRAG’s credibility as an informed group, promoting the development of alternative solutions, peaceful protest, and responsible courses of action. 

‘On 22 March 2021 Alex passed away in Sutherland Hospital. He was only 75 and we will all remember him for his good nature and enthusiasm, especially during those five long years keeping  the Sandon Point Community Picket going to Save Sandon Point.’ 

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