Thirroul cartographer launches Wollongong Map

With nothing more than a vision, an A0 piece of paper and about 10 felt-tip pens, my partner, Alex Pescud, transformed an idea into a work of art that celebrates our hometown. The Wollongong Map is an incredible, hand-drawn, bird's-eye view of the city sketched meticulously over 500 hours.

Inspired by the style of 18th-century maps and using his understanding of digital mapping and cartography, Alex made an online grid of the city to assist him while drawing the aerial perspective. Once he had a sense of the general layout, he worked cell by cell to draw all the details onto the large piece of paper in accurate proportions, including the roads, coastlines and mountain ranges, first in pencil and then in pen.

Alex is 32, an app developer and cartographer who lives in Thirroul. He created the map with the intention of connecting people to our region (read more in How the Map was Made).

Its reception so far has been amazing. As people see the map and explore its intricacies, they seem to be transported back in time, reliving cherished moments and personal stories that are tied to the places depicted. Parks where musical festivals were held, beaches where friendships were formed or wedding venues where people were married. It has been so exciting to see how the map can reflect the collective experiences of our community.

The Wollongong Map Launch will be held today, 22 June, at Bad News Gallery, from 6-9pm. You are welcome to pop in anytime between then. The most anticipated part of the event will be the silent auction of an exclusive version of the map with a 24-carat gold title, with all proceeds going to Black Dog Institute, a charity close to our hearts.

The exhibition will showcase the original map along with behind-the-scenes insights into its creation, with photos and stories of the process. Also on display is the gold-titled map and other artworks by Alex.

You can see the exhibition at Bad News Gallery until June 29 and order your print of The Wollongong Map on our website at

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