© 2025 The Illawarra Flame
1 min read
A Camellia Showstopper

Local horticulturist Jim Powell (the former captain of 325 Station and current president of Helensburgh and District Historical Society) has been growing camellias for the past 51 years in Helensburgh.

Jim’s first plantings were in The Ridge in 1971 and, in a short period of time, he went from only two camellias to growing nearly 1000. Over the following decades, Jim became a well-known grower, judge, hybridizer and exhibitor of all things camellia. His Camellia Show awards
were numerous. Jim has won 14 National Trophies – three in 2008 alone – since 1977. His major achievement was in 2017 when he was awarded the Most Successful Exhibitor prize at three major shows.

Jim’s commitment to all things camellia has not wavered in those 51 years. He is also a strong supporter of Camellia Ark Australia. In 2001, Jim lost more than 800 camellias on his property at The Ridge during the horrific Christmas Day bush fires that ravaged the Helensburgh district. From this time Jim found it impossible to replace valuable camellias he had lost in the fire and, through his efforts and others, Camellia Ark Society was founded to source and preserve endangered camellia cultivars.

In 2022 Jim continues to display his all-encompassing love of camellias, doing garden talks, tours of E.G. Waterhouse Gardens and exhibiting at five camellia shows. He was awarded with seven Champion Blooms, nine Highly Commended blooms and 153 combined first, second and third places. Well done, Jim.