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Bulli Pass reopens for night traffic

Bulli Pass has been reopened to night-time road users after six months of natural disaster repair work conducted at three major landslip sites on the mountain.

As part of the critical repair program, work is now complete on landslip sites on the steepest section of Bulli Pass from the M1 to the hairpin bend.

The damage at the three landslip sites was the result of record-breaking rainfall in 2022 and cost $5 million to address. The Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) covered the repairs.

The work involved the installation of 1740 metres of soil nails (long steel rods) to add strength to the slope, the application of 950 square metres of reinforced mesh and shotcrete (spray-on concrete, intended to prevent further erosion), as well as 370 metres of new horizontal drains drilled into the slope, 70 metres of new catch drains, 28 cubic metres of reinforced concrete beam and 80 metres of new guardrail.

Maryanne Stuart MP, Member for Heathcote, said the fact motorists could now use Bulli Pass at night again was “a huge milestone”.

“I want to thank the community for their patience while this significant and complex repair work was carried out, and it’s great to see Bulli Pass reopen to 24-hour access.

“I thank the Roads Maintenance Teams for all their hard work, especially when working at night, whilst most of us are asleep.”

Work is being undertaken at another landslip site about one kilometre below the hairpin bend.

This site is about 50 per cent complete and the single-lane closure will be in place until remaining work is completed.

Bulli Pass will be closed on several upcoming nights as sections of the road are resurfaced and fresh line-markings added. The community will be informed of these closures in advance.

M1 update

The M1 Princes Motorway between Bulli Tops and Memorial Drive, and Picton Road between the M1 Princes Motorway and Almond Street at Wilton will be closed on Sunday, 18 and Sunday, 25 August between 8pm and 4am for Transport maintenance work. 

Full road closures – planned for Monday, 19, Wednesday, 21, Monday, 26 and Wednesday, 28 August as part of the Mount Ousley interchange project – have been postponed. New dates for these closures will be made public in the coming weeks.

For more details and to stay up to date with road closures, visit the Live Traffic NSW website for the latest traffic updates.