By Bob Pymm of Helensburgh Men’s Shed
Helensburgh Men’s Shed now has a new home.
Over the last few months, we have moved all our stuff from our old premises in Parkes Street to what can only be described as a ‘green fields’ site at the end of Darkes Forest Road. While this has its drawbacks – we have set up a fair bit of infrastructure – it also has its advantages in that we can organise everything to suit ourselves, unrestricted by the limitations of existing buildings. The result is a work-in-progress but we can now start thinking of things other than moving heavy equipment and installing pallet flooring!
Establishing the shed in this location has called for lateral thinking. We have made great use of recycled materials and would like to thank the members and friends of the Shed who have offered up timber, plywood sheeting, old pallets, Colorbond panels, and more.
This new home is a temporary arrangement (it may be quite a while before discussions with the various parties – Council, state planning, etc – result in identification of a permanent site for us). We therefore didn’t want to put too much capital into this site when we will be moving again in the (if we are lucky) not-so-distant future.
The move has been full-on but we are now back to our usual routines – we are still a social group, happy to enjoy a chat and a cuppa. Please, take the trip down Darkes Forest Road on a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday – to the end – you can’t miss us – and check out the new Shed. We are a mixed bunch of blokes (and on Wednesdays women too) from a whole range of backgrounds – don’t worry that you won’t fit in!
Coming up: a Shed Open Day to celebrate our new place in the sun.