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Why exercise is important for women going through perimenopause and menopause

By Lara Samuelsson of The Physio Pilates Movement

Women experience changes to their hormone profiles throughout their life stages. Menopause is a time in a woman's life that they experience a huge shift in hormones. Menopause changes begin between 45-60 years old, the average age of menopause being 51 years old.

Peri menopause is the lead up to menopause and on average lasts 4-6 years. During this time oestrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate. Periods become light and infrequent and there is a number of physical and psychological symptoms such as hot flushes, sleep problems, breast tenderness, itchy skin, migraines, weight gain, anxiety, loss of libido, urinary problems etc. 

Menopause itself begins when you have not had your period for 12 months. Unfortunately symptoms may continue years into menopause. Oestrogen drops to its lowest point 2-4 years after your last period. This is important to acknowledge as low oestrogen causes changes to our body.

Low oestrogen causes:

  • Reduced muscle strength and muscle mass
  • Continence issues
  • Increased risk of tendon and muscle injury
  • Decreased bone mineral density due to decreased uptake of calcium (increased fracture risk)
  • Decrease in vascular health and increase risk of atherosclerosis
  • Reduced memory and cognition

Perimenopause/menopause is an important time to exercise to help manage the common issues that occur. Exercise has been shown to assist with incontinence issues, fatigue, weight gain, muscle mass, bone density and cardiovascular health.  Recommendations include participating in 3 days of resistance training per week. Training should include a combination of strength, endurance and balance such as lunges, push ups, step ups, calf raises, planks, brisk walking and bike riding.

If you would like individual guidance, you can book an Exercise Physiology consult for individualised management and programming to target your specific symptoms. Our Exercise Physiologists will assess your body and provide you with an exercise program to target your goals and requirements.

If you would like to learn more about menopause and exercise, we are hosting a free information night, 7pm, on Tuesday 13th June. You can attend in person at our Helensburgh clinic or via zoom. To register, email us at hello@thephysiopilatesmovement.com.au