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3 min read
The importance of exercise as we age

Elossa Fitness founder Lilliana Barone reports on keeping our ageing bodies fit in 2023 and beyond

How many of us start each year with resolutions? If you google ‘most common new year resolutions’ at the top of the list are: improve fitness, exercise more, get in shape, live healthier. And, I suspect, getting back to pre-Covid fitness might be a popular 2023 resolution. If you feel that you have lost some of your strength and fitness during the Covid-19 restrictions and lockdown, you are not alone. A recent survey found that almost 1 in 3 people believed their general strength had declined during Covid.

Just two weeks of inactivity can lead to muscle loss, especially for people over the age of 65. This illustrates the saying “use it or lose it” says Dean Towers, who is an exercise physiologist and manager of Elossa Fitness, a specialised gym for people aged 60 years and over.

“We know that physical inactivity and not using muscles can lead to a decline in function and mobility that can make everyday activities more difficult. But the good news is you can get your muscle strength back with regular exercise that includes a mix of strength, aerobic and balance training.”

The benefits of regular physical activity on health are well known, however, as a nation we are not meeting the recommended level of physical activity. The 2020-2021 National Health Survey found 1 in 2 people aged 65 and over did not meet the Australian exercise guidelines of at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity on most, preferably all days.

“There are so many benefits to regular exercise,” says Dean, “that it is concerning only half of Australians over the age of 65 are getting enough.”

The benefits of exercise go beyond fitness. Evidence tells us that keeping active can reduce our risk of chronic diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes. A study conducted in 2002 showed that participating in regular exercise reduced the incidence of Type 2 diabetes by almost 60% in people at risk.

Exercising also reduces the risk of heart disease, helps to manage high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Exercise also helps maintain strong bones, decreasing the risk of osteoporosis.

Exercise has emerged as a key treatment for reducing the risk of dementia and cognitive decline. The UK Alzheimer’s Society states: “Of all the lifestyle changes that have been studied, taking regular physical exercise appears to be one of the best things that you can do to reduce your risk of getting dementia."

Exercise also has a positive impact on mental health, helping to reduce stress and improve self-confidence, mood and sleep quality.

“With all these benefits, why wouldn’t we want to exercise?” says Dean. “But many older people struggle to find a gym where they feel comfortable and can safely exercise at the right level for them. That is what we hope we have achieved with Elossa.”

Elossa Fitness is a specialised gym for people aged 60 years and over. Everything we do at Elossa is backed by science. Our circuits are a mix of strength, aerobic and balance training that have been designed by our team of expert exercise physiologists.

Part of our standard practice is a comprehensive Exercise Physiology Assessment of all our members before they start training. This includes blood glucose and blood pressure monitoring as needed and a full medical history, so our exercise physiologists can personalise your exercise programme.

Training with Elossa will help you to continue to do the things you love to do, or go back to doing the things you used to do. Our members are seeing for themselves an improvement in their overall health and wellbeing.

Elossa is currently offering two weeks' free membership, with no lock-in contract and if you join in January or February you have a 1 in 10 chance of winning a free pair of shoes from Athletes Foot.

Feel free to call 0452 356 772 or visit the website www.elossafitness.com.

Elossa Fitness is located at 102 Railway Street, Corrimal.

Lilliana Barone is a Thirroul dietitian who started Elossa Fitness in December 2021. Read more in our Q&A