By Dr Trevor Kemper of Equilibrium Healthcare
Plato once said, “The sea cures all ailments of man,” a sentiment echoed by thinkers like Hippocrates and Aristotle, who recommended time by the ocean for healing and pain relief. For centuries, doctors prescribed sea bathing to improve health, and salt water therapy has been practised as long as humans have lived by the sea.
Today, research suggests ocean swimming offers numerous physical health benefits.
It’s an excellent fitness workout, boosting cardiovascular health, building muscle strength and improving core stability. The low-impact nature of swimming reduces strain on joints, making it ideal for those with injuries or joint conditions like arthritis. Swimming in salt water, rich in nutrients like magnesium and iodine, nourishes the skin. Cold water stimulates circulation, boosts metabolism and strengthens the immune system. Controlled exposure to sunlight helps regulate sleep patterns by boosting vitamin D levels.
Ocean swimming has mental health benefits too. Swimming increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain, enhancing memory and alertness. Swimming releases natural endorphins that elevate mood and relieve stress, while being immersed in nature, especially around water, can enhance mood and cognitive function.
Social swim groups also provide a sense of community and safety, making the activity even more enjoyable.

About the writer
Dr Trevor Kemper is a GP who was born and raised in the Northern Illawarra. After decades working locally he has opened Equilibrium Healthcare, gathering a lifestyle-focussed team to help realise his ambition to create a healthier community. When not doing GP things, he can be found swimming at rockpools and beaches or cycling in the National Park, often with a camera in tow.
Equilibrium Healthcare is a proud sponsor of Coalcliff Ocean Swim Club and an Illawarra Flame advertising partner.
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