© 2025 The Illawarra Flame
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Golfing at Boomerang: Whose banter could be heard half-way around the course?

Sunday Social Golf Club report

By Robert ‘Indy’ Jones

The opening event for HSSGC was held on February 2nd, Stableford with the distraction of loud unfamiliar shirts worn to take your eye off the ball.

We welcomed Michael Deura, Kyle Brown, Blake Ibbett, Josh Gersback (yet another one) and Tyler Boyce to the ever-growing player list.

42 points won the day, delivered by Josh Smith, closely followed by Ben Clarke ahead of Chris Pike separated on a count-back on 41 points.

On-course we witnessed Blake Ibbett, Ben Clarke, Craig Nicoll, Frank Zuccala, Scotty G., Tyler Boyce, Jack Latham and Peter Gardner were winners of gloves and balls.

BBQ snags and drinks were well received at the 19th hole thanks to the starters in Group 1, as well as podium prizes by our sponsors Christian’s Premium Meats and the Helensburgh Golf Range.

Next events at Boomerang: March 2nd, Tee Time: 8.30am, April 6th Tee Time: 8.30am and May 4th Tee Time: 8.30am.

Contact Tony, 0418 863 100, for all your membership information and remember to register your attendance and cart requirements on the Tuesday ahead of the date of our next event.

Indy signing off: Remember… Talking to a golf ball won’t do you any good. Unless you do it while your playing partner is teeing off.

Tradies Social Golf

By Barry Thompson

Our 2025 season finally got underway with 18 keen members champing at the bit to hit the course. Nature had not been kind, however, and an earlier downpour had ensured a wet track providing many a challenge.

We played the Stableford format and Hayden Overton playing off 21 blitzed the competition with 44 points. Handicapper Merciless Mick was seen last night polishing his microscope. Dave Tipping (38) and Craig Murphy (37) rounded out the voucher prizes and will be visiting Helensburgh Butchery and Gallardo’s Pizzeria. These were impressive scores given the conditions.

Treasurer Rod went into complete melt-down when two Eagle Nest went off. Gavin Sinclair took out the 3rd and Dave Astill the 7th.  Congratulations gentlemen.

Not saying that he needs it, but it was good to see Geoff Hammonds win the Helensburgh Driving Range voucher.

We welcomed Kyle Tipping to the fold and his performance suggests he won’t be a stranger to the winner’s circle.  Also great to see Tung Ngyen return to the paddock.

We beseech the starters not to pair Lucky Ivan and Presso Terry again. I am told their banter could be heard half-way around the course. They were worse than Laurel and Hardy.

Our next Boomerang outing will be on Saturday, March 15th, and we Tee Off at 7am.

Hope to see you there!