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2 min read
Oliver Boudib: Serving plant power to the people via Lil Mahs

In his book, In Defence of Food, Michael Pollan tells us to 'Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants'. It’s a simple enough premise and a few years ago in an effort to improve my health, I launched into a plant-based lifestyle. For me though, I ate less plants than recommended and more Oreos than was reasonable.

Thankfully, Oliver Boudib is saving me from myself and offering the good folk of the Illawarra food to get excited about. 

Lil Mahs, named for his Lebanese grandmother who inspired his love of food, is an intimate restaurant, nestled down an alley on Crown Street, away from the hustle and bustle of the mall. 

It opened in August 2023 when Oliver moved to the Illawarra after spending the previous eight years running Samadhi Whole Foods in Camden. Both restaurants were the result of over 20 years of experience as a chef in various establishments throughout Sydney.

And while Lil Mahs has been much loved by the region’s vegans, it's kind of a well-kept secret from local omnivores. 

Oliver refers to the food as “plant-based or food for humans” and thanks to inclusions such as the incredibly popular plant-powered kebab and braised ‘lamb’ sandwich, both made with seitan, a super tasty meat substitute, it’s an easy and very delicious way to dip your toes into the world of plants.

“I always encourage people to give it a go and see for themselves. Generally people who are sceptical [of vegan food] have very low expectations and it's always very satisfying to see the surprise and just how much they enjoy the food,” Oliver said.

What makes Lil Mahs especially impressive is that it's pretty much a one-man show with Oliver prepping and making the majority of the seasonal menu, from the focaccia to the cookies and muffins, while also greeting and serving customers. Special 'date night' set menus and Friday nights featuring jazz are also popular.

“We recently started intimate dinner service and I have a lovely helping hand to ensure service runs top notch during those times," he said.

The next special event dinner is this Friday, June 21 and, with an Indian-inspired menu and tickets only $44 per person, it's the perfect time to try Oliver's take on plants.

“I'm very proud to serve food that's good for people, the planet and provides a new palate of flavours that showcases just how good plant food can be.” 

To keep up to date with special events and opening hours, follow Lil Mahs on Instagram and Facebook 

You can find Lil Mahs at 135 Crown Street, Wollongong