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Controversial beach-front bus layover to be relocated this year

It's been described as an eyesore and a blot on the landscape and after years of discussion and debate Wollongong Council has confirmed the bus layover opposite City Beach will finally be moved by the end of the year.

At a public meeting hosted by Council in February to discuss future plans for the foreshore area between Fairy Meadow and Coniston Beach, a local resident expressed her frustration that the buses still hadn't been moved on.

"I've been told this bus parking site is only temporary for 10 years. It's not a good look for Wollongong and it leaves a bad taste in the mouths of tourists. You wouldn't see it at other beaches like Bondi."

For years, Council and the Transport Workers Union (TWU) have been at loggerheads over buses being parked between Marine Drive and Lang Park. Drivers have argued that the layover site is ideally located for their breaks with easy access to toilets in Lang Park.

Site closed for cycling championships

The situation came to a head in 2022 when Wollongong was preparing to host the UCI World Cycling Championships, and the layover site was closed temporarily to accommodate the finish line for the internationally televised event.

Bus drivers protested at the time, insisting that once the UCI event was over they'd be allowed to return to Marine Drive; and that's what happened.  But it appears the temporary relocation triggered greater momentum to identify new sites for a permanent terminus which would satisfy all parties.

Bus drivers, members of the Transport Workers Union rallied in September 2022, concerned they would permanently lose their layover site

A public consultation process strongly supported the relocation of the bus layover and Transport for NSW, Wollongong Council, local bus operators and the Transport Workers' Union reviewed more than 20 alternative sites before landing on three locations: a car park in Atchison Street in the city, and car parks at Wollongong and Oak Flats railway stations.

Relocation to take place in stages

Transport for NSW says the project will be delivered in a staged process with development of the Atchison Street car park site to be the first priority, providing 11 bus parking spaces and facilities for drivers to rest and rejuvenate between shifts, including bathrooms and kitchen facilities.

Member for Wollongong Paul Scully said the community's voices were heard "while balancing the essential needs of our frontline public transport workers."

For the first time, Council has now confirmed the timeframe for the relocation to take place.

"Transport for NSW has committed to Council that it is working to have the bus layover relocation completed ahead of the 2025 World Triathlon Championships in Wollongong this October," a Council spokesperson said.

"Council continues to work towards our long-term vision to see the current layover space opened up for community use. In the short-term, Council would see the space converted into a public car park that would allow for an additional 70 spaces, including a boost to the precinct's accessible parking options."