© 2025 The Illawarra Flame
2 min read
Who’s up for a big beach clean?

Who’s up for a beach clean? Covid-19 has kept our organisation underground and silent for most of 2020; but 2021 is here and it’s time to get out and do out bit for our oceans and what better way to splash into beach cleans than to celebrate Clean Up Australia Day?

On Saturday, March 6th, all of the enviro heroes of Wollongong are coming together as one community to clean up our beautiful harbour. Every year, we come together to clean the beaches and the dive underwater. Registration kicks off at 9am and we will meet near the Wollongong Harbour Boat Ramp. It will be easy to spot us, just look for the Surfrider and Rotary gazebos next to Yachties’ Café at the end of Endeavour Drive. 

Because of the State Health Covid restrictions, numbers are limited, so we will split into teams. Bring your tribe and you can either stay on the land and clean the foreshore, or you can get in the water on your boards, SUPs and kayaks, whilst the free divers and snorkellers bring up the rubbish from the sea floor. 

The event will conclude at 11.30am, and then lunch will be on us. There will be live entertainment and it will be a great family outing. Please remember to BYO refillable water bottle and gloves for picking up rubbish. I hope that you can join us and I’ll see you there!

The holiday period saw a huge influx of visitors to 2515 and there was more garbage than usual on our beaches. Please use the SNAP SEND SOLVE app whenever you see overflowing bins, so our council can be made aware of problem areas. Not only will Council receive the visual image in real-time, you will also receive an email saying that the report has been sent to the appropriate agency. 

Finally, there are many small ways that we can make our world a better place and reduce landfill. 

Save your refundable beverage bottles and cans and instead of throwing them into the yellow recycling bin, take them to your ‘return and earn’ and get 10 cents for each container. Coledale Surf Life Saving Club has a cage where you can donate your bottles and cans, so your garbage can do good for our community. Planet Childcare in Coledale is collecting bread tags that are recycled in Australia and then the raised funds buy wheelchairs for disadvantaged people in South Africa. 

Save all of your soft clear plastics, such as pasta and biscuit packets, clear plastic wrappings and any soft plastics that you can scrunch in your hands, and take them to your supermarket where they can be recycled into traffic bollards and outdoor furniture. All of these things just take a tiny bit of effort on your part and end up doing the world of good for our planet. 

Every little step that we take in the right direction ensures a brighter future for us all.  2515